Books on:
Animal Rights
Black History
Clean Energy
Eco Design
Eco History
Food and Nutrition
Genetic Engineering
Green Cities
Green Politics
Local Economics
Natural Building
Peace and Nonviolence
Simple Living
Trees and Forests |
Books on Living Simply
Books about Simple Lifestyles
- Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth
- Merkel, Jim, Foreword by Robin, Vicki, New Society Publishers,
2003, Paperback
- Epicurean Simplicity
- Mills, Stephanie, Shearwater Books, 2003, Paperback
- Graceful Simplicity: Toward a Philosophy and Politics of Simple Living
- Segal, Jerome M., University of California, 2003, Paper
- A Reasonable Life: Toward
a Simpler, Secure, More Humane Existence
- Mate, Ferenc, W. W. Norton & Company, 2000, Paper
- A Simpler Way
- Wheatley, Margaret J., Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1998, Paper
- Choosing Simplicity: Real People Finding Peace and Fulfillment in
a Complex World
- Pierce, Linda Breen, Gallagher Press, 2000, Paper
- Getting a Life: Strategies for Simple Living, Based on the Revolutionary
Program for Financial Freedom, Your Money or Your Life
- Blix, Jacqueline, Penguin Books, 1998, Paper
- Living Cheaply with Style: Live Better and Spend Less
- Callenbach, Ernest, Ronin Publishing, 2000, Paper
- Living on Less: An Authoritative Guide to Affordable Food, Fuel, and
- Mother Earth News, Sussex Publishers, 1998, Paper
- Living Poor: A Peace Corps Chronicle
- Thomsen, Moritz, University of Washington Press, 1991, Paper
- Living Well on a Shoestring: 1,821 Ways to Live Frugally, Efficiently
and Masterfully Without Being a Miser
- Yankee Magazine Travel Editors, Yankee Publishing, 2000, Paper
- Technology and the Good Life?
- Higgs, Eric S., University of Chicago Press, 2000, Paper
- The Circle of Simplicity: Return
to the Good Life
- Andrews, Cecile, Perennial (HarperCollins), 1998, Paper
- The Good Life: Helen and Scott Nearing's Sixty Years of Self-Sufficient
- Nearing, Helen, Schocken Books, 1990, Paper, $15.00
- The Simple Living Guide: A Sourcebook for Less Stressful, More Joyful
- Luhrs, Janet, Broadway Books, 1997, Paper
- Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a Way of Life That is Outwardly Simple,
Inwardly Rich
- Elgin, Duane, Quill Press, 1993, Paper
- Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship with Money
and Achieving Financial Independence
- Dominguez, Joe, Penguin Books, 1999, Paper, $15.00
Books about Why We Consume
- Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic
- De Graaf, John, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2001, Paper
- Culture Jam: How to Reverse America's Suicidal Consumer Binge--And Why We Must
- Lasn, Kalle, Perennial, 2000, Paper
- No LOGO: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies
- Klein, Naomi, Picador USA, 2000, Paper
- The Affluent Society
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, Mariner Books, 1998, Paper
- The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism
- Frank, Thomas, University of Chicago Press, 1998, Paper
- The Consumer Society Reader
- Schor, Juliet B., New Press, 2000, Paper
- The Overspent American: Upscaling, Downshifting, and the New Consumer
- Schor, Juliet B., HarperCollinsPerennial , 1999, Paper
- The Theory of the Leisure Class
- Veblen, Thorstein, Dover Publications, 1994, Paper
- The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class
- MacCannell, Dean, University of California Press, 1999, Paper
Books about Media and Consumption
- Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business
- Postman, Neil, Penguin Books, 1986, Paper, $14.00
- Celebration of Awareness: A Call for Institutional Revolution/Social
- Illich, Ivan, Marion Boyars Publishers, 1999, Paper, $17.95
- Comments on the Society of the Spectable
- Debord, Guy, Verso, 1998, Paper, $16.00
- Commodify Your Dissent: Salvos from the Baffler
- Frank, Thomas, W. W. Norton & Company, 1997, Paper, $15.00
- Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
- Mander, Jerry, Perennial (HarperCollins), 1978, Paper, $13.95
- The Society of the Spectacle
- Debord, Guy, Zone Books, 1991, Paper, $15.00
Books about Working and Not Working
- How to Survive Without a Salary: Learning How to Live the Conserver
- Long, Charles, Warwick Publishing, 2003, Paper, $14.95
- Making a Living Without a Job: Winning Ways for Creating Work That
You Love
- Winter, Barbara, Doubleday Books, 1993, Paper, $14.95
- The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed, and Overworked
- Zelinski, Ernie J., Ten Speed Press, 1997, Paper, $14.95
- The Right to Useful Unemployment: And Its Professional Enemies
- Illich, Ivan, Marion Boyars Publishers, 1999, Paper, $9.95
Books about Place
- Country of Exiles: The Destruction of Place in American Life
- Leach, William, Vintage Books USA, 2000, Paper, $14.00
- The Experience of Place
- Hiss, Tony, Vintage Books USA, 1991, Paper, $13.00
Books about Travel
- Road to Heaven: Encounters with Chinese Hermits
- Porter, Bill, Mercury House, 1993, Paper, $14.00
- The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class
- MacCannell, Dean, University of California Press, 1999, Paper, $16.95
Books about Intentional Communities
- American Utopias
- Nordhoff, Charles, Berkshire House Publishers, 1993, Paper, $14.95
- Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative
- Fellowship for Intentional Community, 2002, Paper, $30.00
- Voices from the Farm: Adventures in Community Living
- Fike, Rupert, Book Publishing Company, 1998, Paper, $9.95
Books about Country Living
- Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills
- Reader's Digest Association, 1997, Paper, $30.00
- Stone Work: Reflections on Serious Play and Other Aspects of Country Life
- Jerome, John, University Press of New England, 1996, Paper, $15.95
- The Encyclopedia of Country Living: An Old Fashioned Recipe Book
- Emery, Carla, Sasquatch Books, 1994, Paper, $27.95
- The Good Life: Helen and Scott Nearing's Sixty Years of Self-Sufficient Living
- Nearing, Helen, Schocken Books, 1990, Paper, $15.00
Gene Lodgson
Books about Wilderness Living
- How to Stay Alive in the Woods: A Complete Guide to Food, Shelter,
and Self-Preservation That Makes Starvation in the Wilderness Next to
- Angier, Bradford, Simon & Schuster Books, 1998, Paper, $9.00
- Mountainman Crafts and Skills: A Fully Illustrated Guide to Wilderness
Living and Survival
- Montgomery, David R., Lyons Press, 2000, Paper, $14.95
- Native American Crafts and Skills: A Fully Illustrated Guide to Wilderness
Living and Survival
- Montgomery, David, Treasure Chest Books, 2000, Paper, $14.95
- Participating in Nature: Thomas J. Elpel's Field Guide to Primitive
Living Skills
- Elpel, Thomas J., HOPS Press, 2001, Paper, $16.95
- Primitive Technology: A Book of Earth Skills
- Wescott, David, Gibbs Smith Publishers, 1999, Paper, $24.95
- Survival Skills of the North American Indians
- Goodchild, Peter, Chicago Review Press, 1999, Paper, $17.95
- Wilderness Survival
- Davenport, Gregory J., Stackpole Books, 1998, Paper, $14.95