Books on:
Animal Rights
Eco History
and Nutrition
and Nonviolence
and Forests
Ecological Books for Children
Books about nature, the environment and social issues for children
Books for 8-11 Year Olds
- African Savanna, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne,
Patricia J, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $10.95
- This volume takes the reader far afield, to the African grasslands,
stretching across the continent below the Sahara. In a square of land
about the size of a livingroom, children will see animals they might
have encountered only at the zoo, and learn how they live together
a changing, endangered environment. Full color.
- American Boys Handy Book, Centennial , by Beard, Daniel Carter ,
Perrin, Noel, Foreword by
David R. Godine Publisher, 1994, Paperback, $12.95
- An 1890 manual of pasttimes which includes instructions for making
kites, fishing poles, a blow gun, boats, and theatrical costumes,
for raising dogs, stuffing animals, stocking an aquarium, and camping.
- American Girls Handy Book, by Beard, Lina , Beard, Adelia, Joint
Author Boylan, Anne M, Introduction by
David R. Godine Publisher, 1994, Paperback, $12.95
- A reprint of a gay nineties publication for young ladies instructing
them in such hobbies as fancy needlework, handmade dolls, china painting,
painting in oils, heraldic painting, preservation of wild flowers,
and many others.
- An Extraordinary Life, by Pringle, Laurence , Marstall, Bob, Illustrator
Orchard Books, NY , 2000, Paperback, $7.95
- Anatomy Coloring Book, by Kapit, Wynn , Elson, Lawrence M, With
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company, 1997, Paperback, $19.99
- This bestselling coloring workbook, revised to include information
on AIDS, provides a highly effective way to learn about the human
This comprehensive new edition is clearer and easier to use, with 29
all-new color plates, a glossary, and an expanded index. Coloring
texts are a proven new direction in learning today. 163 color plates.
Originally announced for February 1992.
- Arctic Tundra, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne,
Patricia, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- The Arctic Tundra is a land riddled with mysteries and puzzles. Beneath
this magical heaven, bears, howling wolves and hungry foxes roam the
frozen earth, while ancient trees a century old strain to grow beyond
a foot high. With this activity-filled book, the strange and wonderful
land is brought to readers one small square at a time. Full color.
- Aunt Harriet's Underground Railroad in the Sky, by Ringgold, Faith
, Ringgold, Faith, Illustrator
Dragonfly Books, 1995, Paperback, $6.99
- When Cassie Louise Lightfoot encounters Harriet Tubman and a mysterious
train in the sky, "what follows is a compelling journey in which the
author masterfully integrates fantasy and historical fact", School
Library Journal, starred review . Full color.
- Backyard, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne, Patricia
J, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- Backyard invites children to sharpen their senses by looking, listening,
touching, and smelling a place that might already seem familiar .
. from the ground up. Full color.
- Basho and the Fox, by Myers, Tim , Han, Oki S, Illustrator
Marshall Cavendish Children's Books, 2000, Hardcover, $15.95
- There are important lessons to be learned, even by proud poets, in
this innovative tale of a fox who thinks he's a great poet and a great
poet who thinks he can outdo a fox. Delicate watercolors convey a truly
Eastern sensibility that takes young readers back in time to feudal
- Basket Moon, by Ray, Mary Lyn , Cooney, Barbara, Illustrator
Little Brown and Company, 1999, Hardcover, $16.95
- In this lyrical and elegant coming-of-age picture book, a boy begins
to doubt his heritage when he hears taunts of "hillbilly" and "bushwhacker,
" while accompanying his father to the big city. Full color.
- Birds of North America, by Peterson, Roger Tory
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998, Paperback, $5.95
- Peterson First Guides are the first books the beginning naturalist
needs. Condensed versions of the famous Peterson Field Guides, the
Guides focus on the animals, plants, and other natural things you are
most likely to see. They make it fun to get into the field and easy
to progress to the full-fledged Peterson Guides.
- Black and White, by Macaulay, David
Walter Lorraine Books, 1990, Library Binding, $17.00
- WARNING: This book appears to contain a number of stories that do
not necessarily occur at the same time. Then again, it may contain
one story. In any event, careful inspection of both words and pictures
is recommended. So warns the cover of Macaulay's truly unique book,
Black and White, a playful and inventive fantasy from the author of
the bestselling The Way Things Work. A 1991 Caldecott Medal winner.
- Cactus Desert, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne,
Patricia, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- With the sun blazing down from a cloudless sky, one would think nothing
could survive in the harsh desert. But many organisms actually thrive—from
scorpions and rattlesnakes to beetles and spiders. It's not the easiest
life on the baking earth, but it's so fascinating to visit the desert—one
small square at a time. Full color.
- Cave, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne, Patrica,
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- From the wriggly one-celled bacterium to a sleeping grizzly bear,
the cave is alive with activity and musty with history. Detailed illustrations
and safe activities shed light on a mysterious habitat, complete with
creepers, crawlers, swimmers, and fliers—and more! Full color.
- Clamshell Boy: A Makah Legend, by Cohlene, Terri , Reasoner, Charles,
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1998, Prebound, $12.95
- Magnificent illustrations and captivating texts tell the legends
of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Americas, and Native America.
- Cloud Dance, by Locker, Thomas
Silver Whistle Books, 2000, Hardcover, $16.00
- Young readers are introduced to different types of clouds through
paintings and poetic text along with basic scientific information
the altitude, shape, and color of clouds. Full-color illustrations.
- Cloud Dance, by Locker, Thomas
Voyager Books, 2003, Paperback, $6.00
- Journey across the heavens through thick cumulus clouds, wispy cirrus
clouds, and wide stratus clouds as they dance through every season
the year. Locker introduces young readers to the basic science of the
natural world with brilliant illustrations and poetic prose. Full
- Coral Reef, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne,
Patricia, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- The coral reef is an eat-or-be-eaten world, where animals can look
like delicate plants or colorful rocks. It's also a place where a
can light up like a flashlight—where jaws snap, tentacles sting,
and a squirt of ink can save a life. A fascinating habitat lies between
the covers of this never-before-published look at an endangered undersea
ecosystem. Full color.
- Creepy Crawlies and the Scientific Method: More Than 100 Hands-On
Science Experiments for Children, by Kneidel, Sally
Fulcrum Publishing, 1993, Paperback, $18.95
- A collection of experiments to engage the interest of youngsters,
to introduce them to the scientific method and to encourage them to
understand science by observing small animals in their natural surroundings.
Experiments accompanied by easily copied charts and tables encourage
scientific understanding as children fill them out. Illustrations.
- Crow and Weasel, by Lopez, Barry Holstun , Pohrt, Tom, Illustrator
Pohrt, Tom, Photographer
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Byr , 1998, Paperback, $8.95
- A brilliantly written and totally original New World adventure, Jean
Craighead George , about two young men of the Northern Plains "who
undertake a journey through unexplored wilderness to the tundra and
back", "The
New Yorker" . Full color.
- Dancing Drum: A Cherokee Legend, by Cohlene, Terri , Reasoner, Charles,
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1998, Prebound, $13.10
- This enchanting Cherokee legend comes alive through the author's
vivid adaptation and striking illustrations. Children will be spellbound
they read about the distinctive lifestyle and beliefs of the Cherokee
people. Full color.
- Discovering Moths: Nighttime Jewels in Your Own Backyard, by Himmelman,
John , Himmelman, John, Illustrator
Down East Books, 2002, Paperback, $18.95
- Dr. Art's Guide to Planet Earth: For Earthlings Ages 12 to 120, by
Sussman, Art , Koike, Emiko-Rose, Illustrator Young, Susan M, Designed
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2000, Paperback, $14.95
- Presents easy-to-understand principles that explain how the Earth
works and what we can do to restore the planet, globally and locally.
- Dragon in the Sky, by Pringle, Laurence , Marstall, Bob, Illustrator
Scholastic, 2001, Hardcover, $18.95
- Brilliantly colored illustrations track the life story of a green
dancer dragonfly. After hatching in a western New York swamp, he migrates
hundreds of miles away, down the eastern seacoast to Florida. Each
stage of his development—from embryo to nymph to mature dragonfly—is
scientifically chronicled. Full-color illustrations.
- Earthsearch: A Kids' Geography Museum in a Book with Other, by Cassidy,
Klutz, 1994, Spiral, $19.95
- Klutz defines geography as everything from the tip of one's nose
going out. In this definitely "different" work, the Klutz tradition
of goofball-ism blends seamlessly with the education and authority
of nearly 50 educators
of all levels. Bound into the book are 18 different "exhibits", foreign
coins, rice, etc. which inspire questions answered by the text and
Wire-o bound.
- Emily, by Bedard, Michael , Cooney, Barbara, Author Cooney, Barbara,
Doubleday Books for Young Readers, 1992, Hardcover, $16.95
- In a yellow house in Massachusetts, lives a woman who hasn't ventured
out in 20 years. The young girl across the street knows her reclusive
friend as the American poet Emily Dickinson. Cooney's detailed oil
paintings enhance Bedard's moving portrait of Dickinson's extraordinary
- Everyone Wins!: Cooperative Games and Activities, by Luvmour, Sambhava
, Luvmour, Josette, Editor
New Society Publishers, 1990, Paperback, $8.95
- Evolution, by Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Manufactured by ; Burnie,
David, Author
DK Publishing Inc, 2002, Paperback, $7.00
- The Essential Science series makes the difficult and fascinating
world of cutting-edge science accessible to everyone with a stimulating
of lively illustrations and jargon-free text. Important scientific
theories are explained clearly in these authoritative guides that
feature cross-references,
glossaries, and thorough indexes.
- How Are You Peeling, Vegetal Como E Res / How Are You Peeling, by
Freymann, Saxton , Elffers, Joost, Author Elffers, Joost, Joint Author
Scholastic en Espanol, 2001, Paperback, $5.99
- The popular picture book featuring food sculptures that embody emotions,
with simple text to encourage conversation between parents and children
about feelings, is now available in this Spanish language translation.
Full-color photos.
- How Are You Peeling?: Foods with Moods, by Freymann, Saxton , Elffers,
Joost, Joint Author
Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999, Hardcover, $16.95
- Brief text and color photographs of carvings made from vegetables
introduce the world of emotions by presenting leading questions such
as "Are you feeling angry?"
- How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: A Step-By-Step Guide to Teach Yourself,
by Collier, Mark , Manley, Bill, Joint Author Parkinson, Richard,
University of California Press, 1998, Hardcover, $24.95
- Egyptologists Collier and Manley use attractive drawings of actual
inscriptions displayed in the British Museum to teach a basic course
in reading hieroglyphs. Includes practical exercises. 200 illustrations.
- If a Bus Could Talk: The Story of Rosa Parks, by Ringgold, Faith
Simon & Schuster, 1999, Hardcover, $16.00
- Colorful illustrations by Caldecott Honor winner Ringgold highlight
this biography of Rosa Parks, whose refusal to give up her seat on
bus in Montgomery, Alabama, is a well-remembered event in the history
of the civil rights movement.
- James and the Giant Peach: A Children's Story, by Dahl, Roald , Smith,
Lane, Illustrator
Puffin Books, 1996, Paperback, $5.99
- When magic touches an old peachtree, strange things start happening.
A giant peach grows as large as a house, and when James crawls inside,
the adventure begins. Lane Smith has created wonderful new illustrations
based on the characters in the new full-length movie from Disney.
- La Historia de los Colores / The Story Of Colors: A Bilingual Folktale
From The Jungles Of Chiapas, Bilingual , by Marcos, Subcomandante
, Din, Anne B, Translator Dominguez, Domitilia, Illustrator
Cinco Puntos Press, 1999, Hardcover, $15.95
- A beautiful bilingual edition of a popular Mexican folktale about
how colors came to be in the world. 20 full-color paintings.
- Lafcadio: The Lion Who Shot Back, by Silverstein, Shel
HarperCollins Publishers, 1963, Hardcover, $15.99
- The bestselling children's book author offers the witty, thought-provoking
fable of a lion whose marksmanship makes him world famous, but who
that "success" is not to his liking.
- Life at the Top Sb/Tr, Tch , by Doris, Ellen
Steck-Vaughn, 1999, Paperback, $9.60
- Describes the work of researchers on Barro Colorado Island in Panama
who are studying the behavior of the various species of bats living
in the rain forests there.
- Linnea's Almanac, by Bjork, Christina , Sandin, Joan, Translator
Anderson, Lena, Illustrator
R & S Books, 1989, Hardcover, $13.00
- Filled with fun projects and brimming with Linnea's energy and enthusiasm,
Linnea's Almanac is guaranteed to teach everyone something new. Full-color
- Little Firefly: An Algonquian Legend, by Cohlene, Terri , Reasoner,
Charles, Illustrator
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1996, Prebound, $13.10
- Magnificent illustrations and captivating texts tell the legends
of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Americas, and Native America.
- Living Earth, by Schmid, Eleanore
Rebound by Sagebrush, 2000, Prebound, $15.45
- Lizards, Frogs, and Pollywogs, by Florian, Douglas
Harcourt Children's Books, 2001, Hardcover, $16.00
- This collection of humorous poems features such reptiles and amphibians
as the glass frog, the gecko, and the rattlesnake. Full-color illustrations.
- Miss Rumphius, by Cooney, Barbara , Cooney, Barbara, Illustrator
Viking Press, 1982, Hardcover, $15.99
- As a child Great-aunt Alice Rumphius resolved that when she grew
up she would go to faraway places, live by the sea in her old age,
do something to make the world more beautiful—and she does all
those things, the last being the most difficult of all.
- Night Tree, by Bunting, Eve , Rand, Ted, Illustrator
Harcourt Children's Books, 1991, Hardcover, $16.00
- On Christmas Eve, a young boy and his family drive to the forest
for their holiday tradition of decorating their favorite tree with
apples, tangerines, and sunflower seed balls as a gift for the animals.
Back home in bed, the boy imagines the birds and animals feasting
celebrating around their tree. Full-color illustrations.
- Night Tree, by Bunting, Eve , Rand, Ted, Illustrator
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1994, Prebound, $14.35
- On a cold Christmas Eve, a family gathers their supplies, piles into
a pickup truck, and drives out to Luke's Forest, where they greet
favorite tree like an old friend. Full color.
- Night Tree, by Bunting, Eve , Rand, Ted, Illustrator
Voyager Books, 1994, Paperback, $6.00
- On a cold Christmas Eve, a family gathers their supplies, piles into
a pickup truck, and drives out to Luke's Forest, where they greet
favorite tree like an old friend. Full color.
- One Small Square, the Night Sky, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia
J, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1998, Paperback, $7.95
- In one small square of night sky—using their eyes, binoculars,
the position of the moon, and even their fingers as guides—children
locate Orion and other constellations, and even stars and planets—while
they learn amazing facts about the heavenly bodies. Activities are
for Northern and Southern Hemispheres. "Bound to excite would-be scientists
and browsers alike".—"Booklist". Full color.
- One Small Square: Woods, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author
Wynne, Patricia, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- What causes the leaves to fall? Why does the chirpy chipmunk need
so many nuts? With a little detective work and some simple equipment,
young readers can uncover the secret life of the woods, plunging deeper
and deeper—without getting lost—one small square at a
time. Full color.
- Only Passing Through: The Story of Sojourner Truth, by Rockwell,
Anne F , Christie, Gregory, Illustrator
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2000, Hardcover, $16.95
- Rockwell creates this simple, affecting portrait of an American icon:
Sojourner Truth, one of the abolitionist movement's most compelling
- Play with Your Food, by Elffers, Joost , Freymann, Saxton, Joint
Author Elfers, Joost, Author
MetroBooks, NY , 2002, Hardcover, $9.98
- Readers are given permission to take nature's healthiest foods and
make them into quirky animals and people, unlocking their imaginations
to see the world in a whole new light. Full color.
- Pond, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne, Patricia
J, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- Fish and fungi, plants and protists, mammals and monera all seem
to get along swimmingly in and around this peaceful-looking environment.
But still water runs deep. A closer look at a pond reveals an ever-changing
world . . . home to a larger variety of creatures than one might expect,
even in just a drop of pond water! Full color.
- Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden, by Levenson, George , Thaler,
Shmuel, Illustrator
Tricycle Press, 2002, Hardcover, $15.95
- Rhyming text and glowing, full-color photos chronicle a pumpkin patch
as it grows and changes, from seeds to pumpkins ready to harvest to
jack-o'-lanterns and then to seeds again.
- Quillworker: A Cheyenne Legend, by Cohlene, Terri , Reasoner, Charles,
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1996, Prebound, $12.95
- A Cheyenne legend explaining the origins of the stars.
- Seashore, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne, Patricia
J, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- Whether it's a sandy beach sloping gently into the sea or a steep,
rocky cliff pounded by crashing waves, there's more to a day at the
beach than meets the eye. While exploring the shore or reading at home,
readers of all ages will be astonished by the richness and variety
life forms—from microscopic algae to the mighty manatee—that
congregate where the land meets the sea. Full color.
- Seaside Naturalist: A Guide to Study at the Seashore, FIRESIDE ,
by Cpulombe, Deborah A , Coulombe, Deborah A, Author
Fireside Books, 1990, Paperback, $16.00
- Shells of North America, by Douglass, Jackie Leatherbury , Peterson,
Roger Tory, Author Douglass, Jackie Leatherbury, Illustrator
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998, Paperback, $5.95
- Abridged version of the Peterson Field Guide especially designed
for the young naturalist.
- Sky Tree: Seeing Science Through Art, by Locker, Thomas , Locker,
Thomas, Illustrator Christiansen, Candace, Joint Author
HarperTrophy, 2001, Paperback, $6.99
- An award-winning artist explores how trees remain full of wonder
through every season. With additional text contributed by Candace
this book presents an enchanting exploration of natural wonder. Full-color
- Snow Crystals, by Bentley, W A , Humphreys, W J, Joint Author
Dover Publications, 1962, Paperback, $19.95
- Over 2000 clear photomicrographs, printed on black background, of
snow crystals. 202 plates.
- Snowflake Bentley, by Martin, Jacqueline Briggs , Azarian, Mary,
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998, Library Binding, $16.00
- A biography of a self-taught scientist who photographed thousands
of individual snowflakes in order to study their unique formations.
- Snowmen: Snow Creatures, Crafts, and Other Winter Projects, by Cole,
Peter , Jonath, Leslie, Joint Author Frankeny, Frankie, Joint Author
Chronicle Books, 1999, Hardcover, $14.95
- This collection of creatures, crafts, and other winter projects offers
inspiration and easy-to-follow instructions for constructing fantastic
winter wonderlands using food and other simple props found in every
home. 60 color photos. Concealed spiral binding.
- Squashing Flowers, Squeezing Leaves: A Nature Press & Book with CDROM
and Envelope, by Klutz Press
Klutz, 2001, Spiral, $19.95
- This guide to producing quality pressed flower crafts includes bound-in
press boards, rubber bands, acetate sheets, copper foil tape, self-adhesive
laminate, and an envelope for storing pressed flowers. Full-color illustrations.
- Stella, Queen of the Snow, by Gay, Marie-Louise
Douglas & McIntyre, 2000, Hardcover, $15.95
- In their second adventure, Stella and her little brother Sam spend
the day discovering the wonders of winter together. Full-color illustrations.
- Stella, Star of the Sea, by Gay, Marie-Louise
Groundwood Books, 1999, Hardcover, $15.95
- Through exquisite watercolors, the author of "Rainy Day Magic" presents
a book that brings to life a perfect summer day and the sweet and
relationship between an older sister and her baby brother. Full color.
- Stella: Fairy of the Forest, by Gay, Marie-Louise
Groundwood Books, 2002, Hardcover, $15.95
- In their third adventure, Stella and her little brother cross a field
and a creek before spending the day in the forest. Butterflies, snakes,
rocks, and sheep provide fuel for Sam's curious-little-brother questions
and Stella's big-sister answers as they explore the outdoor world.
- Stellaluna, by Cannon, Janell , Cannon, Jewell, Author
Harcourt Children's Books, 1993, Hardcover, $16.00
- Accidentally knocked into a bird's nest, a baby fruit bat is adopted
by the birds. And when she's finally reunited with her mother and
other bats, she learns that the differences between bats and birds
are much less significant than her newfound friendship. Full color.
- Sunflower Houses: Inspiration from the Garden a Book for Children
and Their Grown-Ups, by Lovejoy, Sharon
Workman Publishing, 2001, Paperback, $13.95
- A magical introduction to gardening for children, "Sunflower Houses"
celebrates the lore of a garden, the joy of interacting with nature,
and the memories of childhood gardens through story-like narrative
charming illustrations. Full color.
- Swamp, by Silver, Donald , Wynne, Patricia, Author Wynne, Patricia,
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997, Paperback, $7.95
- Golly 'gators, it's a complex ecosystem. But young readers won't
be swamped with incomprehensible data during this amazingly accessible
walk through a small square of wetlands, filled with exotic wildlife.
48 full-color illus.
- The Best Paper Airplanes You'll Ever Fly, by Klutz Press
Klutz, 1998, Hardcover, $4.95
- After a dedicated staff of high-school students tested—and
100 paper air planes, the final five are presented here. Providing
folding instructions, as well as trimming and flying information, "The
Best Paper Airplanes You'll Ever Fly" is simply the best. Full color.
- The Cloud Book, by dePaola, Tomie , dePaola, Tomie, Illustrator
Holiday House, 1985, Paperback, $6.95
- This fun-filled, interesting book introduces readers to the ten most
common types of clouds, myths that have been inspired by their shapes,
and what they can tell about coming weather changes.
- The Gardener, by Stewart, Sarah , Small, David, Illustrator
Farrar Straus Giroux, 2000, Paperback, $6.95
- When the Depression hits her family, Lydia Grace, 10, leaves her
snug rural home and journeys . . . to a nearby city to live with dour
Jim. . . . Lydia Grace is a resilient child, who sees empty window
boxes and makes plans to fill them with flowers.—"School Library
starred review. A Caldecott Honor Book. Full color.
- The Island That Moved: How Shifting Forces Shape Our Earth, by Hooper,
Meredith , de Leiris, Lucia, Illustrator
Viking Books, 2004, Hardcover, $16.99
- Award-winning science writer Hooper joins illustrator deLeiris as
they use the story of a single island to introduce the fascinating
of plate tectonics—the shifting plates that form Earth's surface.
- The Living Earth, by Schmid, Eleanore
Nord-Sud Verlag, 2000, Paperback, $6.95
- The Man Who Made Parks: The Story of Parkbuilder Frederick Law Olmsted,
by Wishinsky, Frieda , Zhang, Song Nan, Illustrator
Tundra Books, NY , 1999, Hardcover, $15.95
- The story of the first North American landscape architect and the
man behind the creation of New York City's Central Park, Montreal's
Mount Royal and the Capitol Grounds in Washington D.C.
- The Most Beautiful Roof in the World: Exploring the Rainforest Canopy,
by Lasky, Kathryn , Knight, Christopher G, Illustrator Knight, Christopher
G, Photographer
Gulliver Books, 1997, Paperback, $9.00
- Describes the work of Meg Lowman in the rainforest canopy, an area
unexplored until the last ten years and home to previously unknown
of plants and animals.
- The Mountains of Tibet, by Gerstein, Mordicai
HarperTrophy, 1989, Paperback, $6.99
- When a woodcutter who had always dreamed of traveling is given a
second chance at life in any form and place, he must decide how to
relive his
life to the fullest. Full-color illustrations.
- The Other Side, by Woodson, Jacqueline , Lewis, E B, Illustrator
Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers, 2001, Hardcover, $16.99
- Clover wonders why a fence separates the black side of town from
the white side. When Annie, a white girl from the other side, begins
sit on the fence, Clover grows more curious as to why the fence is
there. Illustrations.
- The Pebble in My Pocket: A History of Our Earth, by Hooper, Meredith
, Coady, Chris, Illustrator
Viking Books, 1996, Hardcover, $17.99
- This fascinating history of the earth takes readers on a scientific
adventure through time and across the globe—all by following
the trail of a single pebble over millions of years. With its lively
text, colorful
illustrations and helpful timeline, The Pebble in My Pocket provides
a revelatory account of the planet's dramatic formation, and encourages
young readers to look at the amazing world around them with a new perspective.
Full color.
- The Secret Life of Trees, by Hazen, Barbara Shook , Chevallier, Chiara,
Joint Author
DK Publishing Inc, 1999, Paperback, $3.99
- Discover the detailed parts and inner lives of trees and all the
organisms that live within them. Color photographs and illustrations
- The Sense of Wonder, by Carson, Rachel , Kelsh, Nick, Photographer
HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, Hardcover, $24.95
- Featuring stunning new photographs, many in color, and an updated
design, this special reissue of Rachel Carson's award-winning classic—originally
published by Harper & Row in 1965—encourages sharing the miracle
of nature with children.
- The Shaman's Apprentice: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest, by Cherry,
Lynne , Plotkin, Mark J, Joint Author Cherry, Lynne, Illustrator
Voyager Books, 2001, Paperback, $7.00
- A moving story about the healing plants of the rain forest. This
is the story of a Tirio Indian boy who dreams of being the tribal
and how he and his people learn the importance of their forest and
its plants. Illustrations.
- There's a Hair in My Dirt!, by Larson, Gary , Wilson, Edward Osborne,
Foreword by
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1999, Prebound, $20.05
- Hailed as "a must for Larson fans, no matter what age", "Houston
, the paperback edition of this faux children's fable provides a Larson-eye
view of not-so-motherly nature. Full color.
- There's a Hair in My Dirt!: A Worm's Story, by Larson, Gary , Wilson,
Edward Osborne, Foreword by
HarperCollins Publishers, 1998, Hardcover, $15.95
- At long last, the best-loved and most-laughed-at cartoonist in the
world, the inimitable creator of "The Far Side", is back with his
first original book ever. A hilarious faux children's fable that
a Larson's-eye view of not-so-motherly nature, "There's a Hair in My
Dirt", Larson's first sustained narrative, is scheduled for publication
on Earth Day, April 22. 64 color cartoons.
- There's a Hair in My Dirt!: A Worm's Story, by Larson, Gary , Wilson,
Edward Osborne, Foreword by
Perennial, 1999, Paperback, $10.95
- Hailed as "a must for Larson fans, no matter what age", "Houston
, the paperback edition of this faux children's fable provides a Larson-eye
view of not-so-motherly nature. Full color.
- Through My Eyes, by Bridges, Ruby , Lundell, Margo, Editor
Scholastic, 1999, Hardcover, $16.95
- Ruby Bridges recounts the pivotal story of her involvement, as a
six-year-old, in the 1960 integration of her school in New Orleans.
- Tropical Rain Forest, by Silver, Donald M , Wynne, Patricia J, Illustrator
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1998, Paperback, $7.95
- Bats and big cats. Armies of ants. Squawking parrots. Strangling
figs. From the ground up to the tree tops, the tropical rainforest
teems with
life. Stunning drawings, step-by-step experiments, fun-to-do activities,
and fascinating facts abound in this magical exploration of an essential
ecosystem, in danger of disappearing forever. Tropical Rain Forest
is a new edition to the One Samll Square Series not previously published
in hardcover.
- Turquoise Boy: A Navajo Legend, by Cohlene, Terri , Reasoner, Charles,
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1996, Prebound, $13.10
- A retelling of a Navajo Indian legend in which Turquoise Boy searches
for something that will make the Navajo people's lives easier. Includes
a brief history of the Navajo people and their customs.
- Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys, by Howard, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
, Lewis, E B, Illustrator
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing, 2000, Hardcover, $16.00
- All Virgie wants to do is go to school with her five older brothers,
who think she's too small and that girls don't need an education.
on lives of the author's ancestors, this story is captured in colorful
artwork by Coretta Scott King honree E.B. Lewis.
- Water Dance, by Locker, Thomas , Locker, Thomas, Illustrator
Harcourt Children's Books, 1997, Hardcover, $16.00
- From a gentle mountain pond to a raging waterfall, from a silent
ocean mist to a sparkling rainbow, "Water Dance" offers a poetic introduction
to one of nature's most basic elements. Full color.
- Water's Journey, by Schnid, Eleonore , Schmid, Eleanor, Author
Rebound by Sagebrush, 1994, Prebound, $14.25
- Majestic paintings and poetic text combine to give children a greater
understanding of the water cycle and the important role it plays in
sustaining life on earth.
- Where the River Begins, by Locker, Thomas
Pied Piper, 1993, Paperback, $6.99
- Josh and Aaron love to watch the river flow gently past their house.
Together they make up stories about it, and always they wonder where
the river begins. One day the boys and their grandfather set out to
find the answer, and together they explore the moods of nature and
bonds of a man and his grandsons. American Bookseller Pick of the Lists.
Full color.
- Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings, by Silverstein, Shel
Pied Piper, 1993, Paperback, $15.99
- From the outrageously funny to the quietly affecting, here are poems
and drawings that illuminate the remarkable world of the well-known
folksinger, humorist, and creator of The Giving Tree. Illustrations.