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Environmental Justice
by Peter S. Wenz
Environmental Justice explores the philosophical background of questions on environmental
justice. It focuses on theories of distributive justice, primarily those which concern the
manner in which benefits and burdens should bea allocated when there is a scarcity of benefits
and a surfeit of burdens. Since environmental concerns are uniquely global, theories of distributive
justice are tested most thoroughly for their comprehensiveness when they are applied to environmental
Praise for Environmental Justice
"This book is engaging, uses effective examples, and is informative to the lay reader. The
breadth of the inquiry is quite astonishing, and the material is accessible." -- James E.
Krier, University of Michigan Law School
Quotes from Environmental Justice
"[N]o one advocates injustice: yet complaints about injustice abound and disputes about
justice are common. Many of these disputes are fostered by different conceptions of justice.
Because people have different ideas about justice, a social arrangement or environmental
policy that one person considers just will be considered unjust by another. . . .
"In addition to increasing self-understanding and freedom, an exploration about different
ideas of justice helps people to better understand others. . . .
"This book focuses, then, on ideas that differ from, and are opposed to, one another.
One line of thinking will be expressed, and then an opposite perspective will be presented.
The opposite perspective will constitute a challenge to the first view. . . .
"My use of challenges and responses is not meant to convey the impression that the
book contains nothing more than a back and forth dialog that goes nowhere. There is direction.
After discussing the practical importance of justice (Chapter 1), the nature of principles
of justice (Chapter 2, and the nature of theories of justice (Chapter 3), I explore several
theories of justice and their related principles. Each theory contains something important,
but those at the beginning are less persuasive or comprehensive than those considered later.
There is a progression toward theories that are increasingly sophisticated and complex. Some
later theories examine important assumptions that are embedded within theories discussed
earlier. For example, the Human Rights Theory (Chapter 6), examines assumptions that underlie
the Libertarian Theory (Chapter 4). Succeeding theories are thus deeper, as well as more
complex, than those considered earlier. The final theory is a Concentric Circle Theory, which
I believe to be more helpful than any of the others in ameliorating conflicts related to
the protection and use of the environment."
. . .
"The Problem of Scarcity. We saw in Chapter 1 that issues of justice arise
when people's needs or wants exceed the supply of things required to satisfy them. Relative
scarcity is the context within which issues of justice arise. We see now that aboundance
is the only context within which the original appropriation of private property is justified,
according to the Libertarian Theory. So the original appropriation of private property can
justifiably occur only when the kind of thing appropriated is, at the time of appropriation,
so abundant that considerations of its just allocation are irrelevant.
"This presents the Libertarian Theory's justification for private property with some
problems. There are some things that exist in aboundance whose abundance is unaffected by
our appropriation of them. . . . [A]round the turn of the century, when gasoline was first
being used in internal combustion engines, oil was plentiful. One person's drilling an oil
well and extracting some oil from the earth did not at that time diminish the freedom of
anyone else. Enough and as good oil remained for others. If no one had owned oil rights at
that time, Locke's Labor Theory could have applied to anyone who was willing to go to the
trouble of drilling for oil and pumping the oil that was found. . . . Such property rights
would not have diminished anyone's freedom and would therefore have been consistent with
the Libertarian Theory.
"Imagine, then, that my grandmother had drilled some oil wells eighty years ago. According
to the reasoning above, she would have owned the wells and whatever oil she pumped out of
them. Suppose that she did not pump much oil over the years, so the wells are still in operations,
and I have inherited them from her. Now, however, oil is relatively scarce. When I pump oil,
I do not leave behind as much as is good for others. There more I pump, the more I own, and
the more I burn, the less there is for other people to pump, own, and burn. Under these conditions,
my appropriation of oil does limit the liberty of others.
"What does the Libertarian Theory say about a situation like this? On the one hand,
it could be argued that the oil that I pump is mine. My grandmother's original acquisition
of the wells, and of the oil into which the wells are sunk, was perfectly consistent with
the Libertairan Theory. The oil rights were not owned by anyone. My grandmother did the work
herself to develop the wells, and she did not limit the liberty of others in the process.
So the wells and the oil reserves were legitimately her property. . . . The fact that oil
is now scarce, so that my ownership of the wells does limit the freedom of others, is unfortunate.
But it is not my fault, nor the fault of my . . . grandmother. The scarcity is the reult
of technological and social changes, such as the development and marketing of the automobile
and airplane as major sources of transportation. These vehicles employ the internal combustion
engine. That engine uses gasoline which is made from oil. I am not responsible for any of
this, so it should not affect my property rights. I should continue to own the oil wells
and the oil in spite of the fact that oil is now scarce.
:"On the other hand, however, the Libertarian Theory could be used to argue with equal
cogency that the existence of scarcity abrogates my property rights in the oil wells and
the oil. The idea that is central to the Libertarian Theory is the promotion and maintenance
of liberty. Arrangements are good insofar as they promote individual liberty, bad insofar
as they have the opposite effect. There is nothing sacred about private property. It is good
because, for reasons already explained, it generally promotes liberty. But private property
rights must be abrogated whenever they significantly undermine liberty. The extensive use
of oil has become a necessity in our culture. Almost everyone depends on being able to consume
oil. It is also scarce. So when it is privately owned, the owner, by restricting the access
of others, limits the liberty of others to a considerable extent. Since the restriction of
liberty is bad, my private ownership of oil wells and oil reserves is unjustified at this
time. . . .
"The [Libertairian] Theory may not provide a cogent justification for property rights
that is helpful in settling current issues of environmental justice because the justification
may apply only to conditions of plenty, and we currently have conditions of scarcity.
"Unjust Acquisitions in Our Past. There is a second reason why the Libertairian
Theory's justification of property rights is inadequate. The Theory endorses only those transfers
of private property that are voluntary. Transfers must take place without force or fraud.
My current ownership of something is justified only if its original acquisition conformed
to the requirements of the Labor Theory, and all of the transfers between the original acquisition
and my ownership took place without force or fraud.
Unfortunately, there are few, if any parts of the earth whose environmental resources have
reached their current owners without force or fraud. . . . In general, the Libertairan Theory
cannot be used by contemporary North Americans to justify their ownership of property, because
the historical processes through which property was transferred to them included the use
of force and fraud.
"North Americans are not alone in this regard. The history of South America is simiilar.
So is the history of Australia and, if you go back far enough, the history of every other
place as well. . . .
This flaw in the Libertarian Theory's justification of property rights is so obvious that
one may wonder how libertarians could be unaware of it. Even if Locke missed it, how could
a contemporary writer, like Robert Nozick, miss it? Nozick simply ignores the fact that this
crucial objection renders this theory inapplicable from the start to any known society. .
. . Why do Nozick, Branden, Machan, Rothbard, Hospers, and others study a theory that has
no realistic application? The most plausible explanation, I suggest, refers to the Virtue
Theory. The Virtue Theory endorses deference to the interests of wealthy people. The wealthier
people are, the more it is in their interest that the past iniquities responsible for their
wealth be forgotten or ignored. So we commonly ignore obvious facts that undermine the Libertarian
Theory's justification of contemporary property rights. . . .
"None of these considerations implies that all private property is unjustifiable. Nonlibertarian
justifications are possible."
. . .
"There are only two significant differences between the Efficiency Theory and the Libertarian
Theory concerning property rights. One major difference is that laissez faire economists
are committed to supporting private property in a free market only. So they
endorse laws against price-fixing and agains monopolies. These laws are needed to maintain
the competition that is required for market transactions to foster efficiency. Libertarians
are characteristically opposed to legislation against price-fixing and against monopolies,
because such laws constitute governmental interference with people's right to do as they
please with their private property. The bottom line for laissez economists is efficiency,
whereas the bottom line for libertarians is the individual's right to private property.
"This difference is related to another. According to the Libertarian Theory, property
rights are a species of natural rights. They arise naturally, . . . , from the mixture of
a person's labor with other aspects of reality. The state exists to protect such rights.
The rights exist prior to the state's existence, and would exist in the absence if a state.
According to the Efficiency Theory, on the other hand, property rights exist by convention
or law rather than by nature. Law creates property. Things can exist whether
or not there are laws. there can be trees and chairs, natural things and human artifacts
with law. But these things become private property only when some individual or group has
a valid legal claim to them. Then the state will protect a person's right to possess, use,
enjoy, and transfer the things in question. The state provides this protection in order to
promote efficiency. Creating and protecting private property rights is thus a means toward
an end rather than, as libertarians maintain, an end in itself. . . .
"Property rights are justified not by the history of their acquisition, but by the
efficiency that results now and in the future from human activities that the rights help
to structure. So the sordid history of the acquisition of the property rights that we enjoy
is beside the point. That history does not detract in the least from the legitimacy of our
property ownership, so long as efficiency is not adversely affected. If the illegitimate
acquisitions were very recent, like last week or last year, then efficiency would be affected,
because people would remain insecure in the possession of their property. They would anticipate
additional, massive, illegitimate acquisitions at any time. They would spend their time and
energy protecting their property instead of employing it productively. So it is important
that contemporary thieves be caught and prosecuted. It is important that property stolen
recently be returned to its rightful owners. But thefts that took place a hundred years ago,
or more, can be totally ignored. They do not adversely affect the efficient employment of
property now and in the future. . . .
"A good argument can be made from the libertarian perspective that people should lose
their property rights in such things as they become scarce, because these property rights
limit the freedom of others just as much as an original acquisition of scarce resources would
limit others' freedom. . . .[T]he Efficiency Theory can come to the rescue. As we saw in
Chapter I, if an environmental resource that is in short supply is not privately owned, a
tragedy of the commons typically results. A resource owned in common by more people than
it can adequately serve is soon destroyed by overuse, as each person uses as much as she
desires. The destruction takes place very quickly because each person realizes that other
will probably soon destroy the resource through overuse. Everyone joins in as quickly as
possible in order to enjoy at least some beneifts from the resource before it is destroyed
by the goup. This use of resources is very inefficent. A pasture that could have supported
indefinitely one hundred head of cattle is destroyed quickly by the grazing of twice that
"Private property preserves efficiency under such conditions of scarcity. If the pasture
is privately owned, the owner will try to preserve it. . . . "
"Similarly, if oil reserves are privately owned, then as oil become scarce, the owners
of the reserves will raise the price that they charge for oil. . . . The increased price
will depress the demand for oil because there are substitutes for oil and because people
have other things that they would like to do with their money besides buy oil. Decreased
demand means that oil reserves will be depleted more slowly. This is conservation. . . In
sum, whereas scarcity may be used to argue against private property from the libertarian
perspective, it can be a powerful argument in favor of private property from the perspective
of the Efficiency Theory. . . ."
"The goal of efficiency can also be used to define "abnormally dangerous conditions
or activities." If the harm that is likely to occur from dangerous conditions or activities
is greater than the probable benefits, then the conditions or activities in question are "abnormlly
dangerous" and should be enjoined. If, on the other hand, the benefits outweight the
harms, then these conditions or activities are not abnormally dangerous and should not be
enjoined. In the latter case, because the conditions or activites promote more benefits than
they produce harm, they increase the total supply of people-pleasing goods and services.
Those who are harmed can, at least theoretically, be compensated for their inconvenience
by those who reap the benefits, because there are enough benefits to go around. Under these
conditions, it makes sense from the point of view of efficiencyt to allow the harms to occur
and require those who reap the benefits to compensate fully those who suffer the harms. This
way no one comes out behind and at least some people come out ahead. . . .
"But do those who engage in and profit from an activity that harms others automatically
recognize and acknowledge the harm that they are causing: If they are trying to maximize
their profit, as the Efficiency Theory recommends, then they will resist such recognition
and acknowledgment. If they acknowledge the harm that they cause, then they have to compensate
the people whom they have harmed. The expense of compensation reduces profits. So even if
they really know that they have caused the harm, the Efficiency Theory suggests that they
pretend that they do not know. It suggests that they require those who accuse them of causing
harm to prove their case.
The requirement of proof may result in the denial of compensation to those who deserve it.
Proof must be presented in the course of an expensive and time-consuming civil suit. As we
have seen, those who are harmed may believe correctly that the expense of the suit is not
worth what they are likely to gain. If those who are harmed either fail to sue or fail to
win their suit, then there is, according to the Efficiency Theory, a misallocation of benefits.
Some of the benefits of the activity in question should be used to compensate those who are
harmed by it. But if those who are harmed fail to sue or lose their suit, compensation will
seldom occur.
Things are even worse, however, from the point of view of the Efficiency Theory, if everyone
does sue for the damages caused by the activities of others. The cost of all the suits, added
to the damage caused by the activity in question, can easily combine to outweigh the benefits
of the activity. Consider, again, Waschak v. Moffat. The benefits resulting from
Moffat's coal mine may be greater than the harm it causes, including the cost of twenty-six
paint jobs. But because Moffat is not willing to pay for the cost of having the twenty-six
houses repainted, the twenty-six home owners sued him. Now, the cost of Moffat's activities
includes not only the harm done to twenty-six houses, but the expense of twenty-six trials.
The transaction costs represented by the trials, when added to the harm done to the houses,
may well outweigh the benefits of Moffat's mining activities. The court, ignoring transaction
costs, and using the Efficiency Theory definition of "reasonable," may declare
Moffat's activities to be reasonable. But the activities are really unreasonable, from the
Efficiency Theory perspective, because all costs must be included, transaction costs as well
as harms.
"Even when the benefits of an activity outweigh the harm it causes plus the transaction
costs of law suits concerning that harm, the settlement of questions concerning environmental
justice by exclusive appeal to private property rights is not maximally efficient. There
are methods less costly than multiple private law suits which can be used to settle such
questions. These include, for example, government regulation of polluting activities and
governmentally imposed surcharges on pollution. These methods are more efficient because
they often allow the government to structure the situation so that harmful polluting activities
are avoided. . . . Also, regulation and surcharges allow many cases of pollution to be dealt
with simultaneously, in a single decision or piece of elgislation. . . Because these methods
reduce transaction costs, they increase efficiency."
. . .
"Because the general air quality in an area is no one's private property, no one can
sue for private nuisance or traspass when the activities of others cause the air quality
to deteriorate [in a minimal state]. In a minimal stae, the government is restricted to the
role of settling disputes between private parties. Without a party who can claim damage to
individual property there is no state action. So in a minimal state, no one is in a position
to halt the destruction of those aspects of environmental quality that are public goods.
This result is unaffected by the existence of competition int he economy. Competition affects
the allocation of private property. The problem here is that environmental public goods are
no one's private property, so no one is competing to preserve or restore them."
"Those who degrade environmental public goods will not only be permitted to continue,
but will also be allowed to escapte individual payment for the damage they cuase. Without
private lawsuits, there is no mechanism in a minimal state for requiring polluters to internalize
their externalities. Since they do not have to pay for the damage that they cause, they have
no incentive to minimize their destruction of environmental public goods. . . .
"In sum, public goods are a commons. Their use is subject to the tragedy of the commons,
which can occur under conditions of perfect compeition. Because many aspects of environmental
quality are by nature public goods, the tragedy cannot be avoided by appeals to private property
rights or by private lawsuits for nuisance and treaspass. Thus, the Efficiency Theory, because
it endorses a minimal state, does not adequately address the problem of the tragedy of the
"[Furthermore,] competition may prevent rather than promote maximum efficiency. When
people compete, they pursue their individual goals of maximizing profit. . . The result can
be lower levels of fulfillment for all conerned than would be possible if people cooperated
with one another and renounced the pursuit of their most preferred outcomes."
"A Case Study--Automobile Emissions. . . . In our society at this time, curtailing
emissions requires, among other things, employment of a catalytic converter and the use of
unleaded fuel. The converter increases the price of cars. It also reduces mileage, requiring
individual to buy more gasoline. Unleaded fuel is more expensive than leaded fuel. Thus,
evenyone has an incentive to be a free rider. It is in the interestof each individual that
everyone else use a catalytic converter and unleaded fuel while she does nto do likewise.
That way, the individual has the benefit of the clearner air that results from everyone else's
reduced auto emissions, and the benefits of lower costs for her own transportation. . . .[T]
result is worse for everyone than the result of coopration. Coopertion would produce cleaner
air, but higher operating costs for automobiles. Failue to cooperate results in so much air
pollution that levels of emphysema, heart attach, cancer, and other maladies increase significantly.
The costs of these maladies, in terms of paid and suffering, lost work days, premature deaths,
and medical expenses greatly exceed the increased cost of automobile travel that cooperation
would have entailed. Overall efficiency is, under these conditions, frustrated by people
competing with one antoher to gain the most for themselves as individuals.
"This result can be seen clearly, also, from the perspective of competing manufacturers.
In a minimal state, there would be no governmental requirement that cars be equipped with
catalytic converters. Since these devices add to the cost of cars and since, as we have seen,
few customers would voluntarily pay anything to preserve a public good like clean air, competition
would make it impossible for auto makers to equip their cars with catalytic converters. In
a competitive economy, everyone's profit margin is very small. Any auto maker who added pollution
control devices as standard equipment would not, in a competitive economy, be able to absorb
this loss by further reducing profit. So the auto maker would have to add the cost of the
pollution control devices to the price of the cars. Since potential customers would not be
willing to pay a higher price for a car with the equipment, the cars would not sell, and
the auto maker would eventually go bankrupt. Not only is competition unhelpful to the provision
of public goods, it makes the provision of such goods impossible in the context of a miminal
state. Again, inefficiency is the result. Medical costs, and other expensive effects of the
air polllution that automobiles create are much greater than the total cost of pollution
. . .
"Am I obligated to live life differently now that I have a heightened awareness of
the extent to which my current life is entangled with injustice? Why should I? . . . If I
should change my behavior, how much should I change, and what kinds of changes are required?
These are questions addressed in this concluding chapter.
"I discuss and dismiss first the view that individuals have no obligation to respond
to injustice (15.2). I then dismiss some extreme views about one's obligations (15.3), before
introducing the view that I favor, which is captured in the Principle of Anticipatory Cooperation
(15.4). I conclude with a few practical suggestions for people in the United States and other
Western industrial countries (15.5)."
Table of Contents of Environmental Justice
- §1.1 Preview, §1.2 The Context of Justice, §1.3 The Free-For-All Response to Scarcity, §1.4
The Need for Coordinated Environmental Restraint, §1.5 The Necessity of Justice in Voluntary
Groups, §1.6 The State Seems Not to Require Voluntary Cooperation, §1.7 The Vulnerability
of Modern Societies, §1.8 The Necessity of Justice in the Social Order, §1.9 Education
and Propaganda, §1.10 The Need for Environmental Justice
- §2.1 The Formal Nature of Justice, §2.2 Principles of Justice, §2.3 Underlying Agreement, §2.4
Why Agreements Become Obsolete, §2.5 Origins of Controversy, §2.6 The Sense of Justice
- §3.1 Property Right Principles, §3.2 Theories of Justice, §3.3 Preview, §3.4 Secular
Puritanism, §3.5 The Theory’s Continuing Influence, §3.6 The Unacceptability of the Virtue
- §4.1 Preview, §4.2 The Minimal State, §4.3 Private Property, §4.4 Libertarian Justice:
The Entitlement Theory, §4.5 Nuisance, §4.6 Trespass, §4.7 Libertarianism and Pollution:
A Critique, §4.8 The Original Acquisition of Property, §4.9 The Problem of Scarcity, §4.10
Unjust Acquisitions in Our Past
- §5.1 Introduction, §5.2 Efficiency and the Free Market, §5.3 The Advantages of the Efficiency
Theory, §5.4 Monopoly and Oligopoly, §5.5 Transaction Costs, §5.6 Externalities and Public
Goods, §5.7 Tosca in the Prisoners’ Dilemma, §5.8 A Case Study—Automobile Emissions, §5.9
Summary and Conclusion
- §6.1 Introduction, §6.2 Human Rights in Environmental Law, §6.3 Moral v. Legal Rights, §6.4
Human Rights and Self-Evidence, §6.5 Positive vs. Negative Rights, §6.6 Kant and the Categorical
Imperative, §6.7 The Kingdom of Ends and Human Rights, §6.8 Objections and Replies, §6.9
An Application of the Human Rights View
- §7.1 Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, §7.2 Human Rights and Cruelty to Animals, §7.3 Retarded
Humans and Endangered Species, The Possibility of Animal Rights, §7.5 Direct Duties to
Subjects-of-a-Life, §7.6 The Argument for Animal Rights, §7.7 Conflicting Ordinary Moral
Judgments, §7.8 The Implications of Regan’s Animal Rights View, §7.9 Differences between
the Negative Rights of Humans and Non-Humans, §7.10 Animals and Positive Rights, §7.11
Summary, Conclusion and Prospect
- §8.1 Maximizing Well-being, §8.2 The Nature of Well-being, Pleasures and Preferences, §8.3
The Utilitarian Theory, §8.4 Utilitarianism and the Treatment of Animals, §8.5 Human Rights, §8.6
An Environmental Example—Reserve Mining, §8.7 Private Property, §8.8 Justifying Changes
in Principles of Justice, §8.9 The Taking Principle, §8.10 Liberty, Equality and Justice
- §9.1 Preview, §9 2 Distributive Justice, §9.3 Immorality in Unusual Circumstances, §9.4
Due Process and Equal Protection of the Laws, §9.5 Artificial and Irrational Desires, §9.6
The Non-Sentient Environment, §9.7 Population Policies, §9.8 Factual Uncertainty, §9.9
- §10.1 Introduction, §10.2 Legal Mandates for the Use of CBA, §10.3 CBA and Utilitarianism, §10.4
CBA and the Efficiency Theory, §10.5 CBA and Injustice, §10.6 Unreliability: Shadow Prices
and Discount Rates, §10.7 Future Generations, §10.8 Distortions by Past Policy Decisions, §10.9
Negative Self-Reference, §10.10 Conclusion
- §11.1 Preview, §11.2 Victims of Dioxin, §11.3 Pure Procedural Justice, §11.4 The Original
Position, §11.5 Self-Interest, Primary Goods and Maximin, §11.6 Rawls’ Principles of Justice, §11.7
Two Applications of Rawls’ Principles, §11.8 Utilitarianism and Primary Goods, §11.9 Thickening
the Veil for Foreigners, Future Generations, Animals and Mountains, §11.10 Moral Assumptions
in Rawls’ Theory, §11.11 Conclusion
- §12.1 Introduction, §12.2 The Objectivity of Scientific Observations, §12.3 The Basic
Structure of Scientific Inquiry, §12.4 The Importance of Values in Scientific Inquiry, §12.5
Competing Values in the Choice of Scientific Theories, §12.6 Science and Good Judgment, §12.7
Similarities of Structure in Descriptive and Prescriptive Contexts, §12.8 The Structure
of Inquiry Illustrated in a Prescriptive Context, §12.9 Conclusion
- §13.1 Introduction, Biocentric Individualsm, §13.2 The Biocentric Commitment, §13.3 From
Egoism to Anthropcentrism, §13.4 From Anthropocentrism to Biocentrism, §13.5 Arguments
for Biocentrism, §13.6 Taylor’s Theory Requires Too Much, §13.7 Restitution, Ecocentric
Holism, §13.8 The Ecocentric Holistic Perspective, §13.9 Epistle to the Almost Converted, §13.10
Epistle to the Fair-Minded, §13.11 Natural Processes and Harm, §13.12 Means and Ends, §13.13
- §14.1 Introduction. §14.2 The Problem. §14.3 Pluralistic Theories Defended, §14.4 The
Concentric Circle Perspective, § 14.5 Concentric Circles. Preferences and Positive Human
Rights, § 14.6 Negative Human Rights and Animal Rights. § 14 7 Our Obligations to the Non-Sentient
Environment, §14.8 Private Property Rights, Efficiency, Future Generations and Government
Subsidies, §14.9 Conclusion
- §15.1 Introduction,§15.2 Why Should I Be Moral?§15.3 Extreme Views about What Justice
Requires, §15.4 The Principle of Anticipatory Cooperation, §15.5 What Should I Do?
About Peter Wenz
Peter Wenz is a Professor of Philosophy and Legal Studies at the University
of Illinois at Springfield and Adjunct Professor of Medical Humanities at the Southern Illinois
University School of Medicine.
He is the author of four books:
- Environmental Justice (1988)
- Abortion Rights as Religious Freedom (1992)
- Nature's Keeper (1996)
- Environmental Ethics Today (2001)