Books on:
Animal Rights
Black History
Clean Energy
Eco Design
Eco History
Food and Nutrition
Genetic Engineering
Green Cities
Green Politics
Local Economics
Natural Building
Peace and Nonviolence
Simple Living
Trees and Forests |
Books on Clean Energy
New Energy Books
- The Long Emergency: Surviving
the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century, by James
Howard Kunstler
- Grove/Atlantic, 2005
- Beyond Oil: The View from Hubbert's
Peak, by Kenneth S. Deffeyes
- Hill and Wang, 2005,
224 pages
- Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy,
by Greg Pahl
- Chelsea Green, 2d ed.2010,
224 pages
- Energy at the Crossroads: Global Perspectives and Uncertainties
- Smil, Vaclav, MIT Press, 2003
- The Hydrogen Economy: The Creation of the Worldwide Energy Web and
the Redistribution of Power on Earth
- Rifkin, Jeremy, Tarcher, 2003
- The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies
- Heinberg, Richard , New Society Publishers,
April 2003, Paperback
- Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner
- Hoffman, Peter, MIT Press, 2002, Paperback
- Energies: An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization,
- Smil, Vaclav
MIT Press, 2000, Paperback
Books about Energy Generally
- Cycles of Life: Civilization and the Biosphere
- Smil, Vaclav, Scientific American Library,
Books about Plant Energy
Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology, by
Begich, Nick , Manning, Jeane (Author)
Earthpulse Press, 1997
Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy, by Pahl, Greg
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2005
The technology of bio-based fuel is becoming increasingly popular. This
text provides background information and practical advice on how to implement
this new, easy, energy source.
Charging Ahead, by Berger, John
J ,
University of California Press, 1998,
CHARGING AHEAD foretells the world's next great energy transformation--the
shift to clean, renewable energy sources. John J. Berger provides a fascinating
look at new industries that will make such change possible and the trillion-dollar
benefits Americans can enjoy by choosing pollution-free energy and transportation.
30 photos.
Chemical History of a Candle, by Faraday, Michael
Dover Publications, 01/2003
Coal: A Human History, by Freese, Barbara
Perseus Books Group, 01/2003
Freese takes readers on a rich and fascinating journey as she tells how
a simple black rock has altered the course of history. 8-page photo insert.
Consumer Guide to Solar Energy, 3rd Edition (Updated), by Sklar,
Scott , Sheinkopf, Kenneth (Joint Author)
Bonus Books, 08/2002
Cool Energy - Revised Edition: Renewable Solutions to Environmental
Problems (Revised), by Brower, Michael
MIT Press, 08/1992
Cool Energy provides the first major review of progress in the field of
renewable energy technologies - solar, wind, biomass (plant matter), hydroelectric,
and geothermal - since the mid-1980s.
Electrogravitics Systems: Reports
on a New Propulsion Methodology, by
Valone, Thomas (Editor)
Integrity Research Institute, 12/1993
Energy and Information Transfer in Biological Systems: How Physics
Could Enrich Biological Understanding Proceedings Ofthe International
Workshop, Ita, by Musumeci, Francesco (Editor); Brizhik, Larissa (Editor)Ho,
Mae-WAN (Editor)
World Scientific Publishing Company, 06/2003
This volume contains papers based on the workshop "Energy and Information
Transfer in Biological Systems: How Physics Could Enrich Biological Understanding,"
held in Italy in 2002. The meeting was a forum aimed at evaluating the
potential and outlooks of a modern physics approach to understanding and
describing biological processes, especially regarding the transition from
the microscopic chemical scenario to the macroscopic functional configurations
of living matter. In this frame some leading researchers presented and
discussed several basic topics, such as the photon interaction with biological
systems also from the viewpoint of photon information processes and of
possible applications; the influence of electromagnetic fields on the
self-organization of biosystems including the nonlinear mechanism for
energy transfer and storage; and the influence of the structure of water
on the properties of biological matter.
Energy Evolution, by Schauberger,
Viktor , Coats, Callum (Editor) Coats,
Callum (Translator)
Gateway, 03/2001
Ether Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control, by Sigma,
Adventures Unlimited Press, 08/1996
From Space to Earth: The Story of Solar Electricity, by Perlin,
Harvard University Press, 11/2002
"From Space to Earth tracks the evolution of the technology of photovoltaics,
the use of solar cells to convert the sun's energy into electricity. John
Perlin's painstaking research results in a fascinating account of the
development of this technology, from its shaky nineteenth-century beginnings
mired in scientific controversy to its high-visibility success in the
space program, to its current position as a versatile and promising power
From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank, by Tickell, Joshua
Tickell Energy Consultants, 12/2000
Geothermal and Bio-Energy, by Graham, Ian S
Raintree, 01/1999, Library Binding, $29.93
Defines geothermal and bio energies, and explains their advantages and
Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature: Tesla's Science of Energy,
by Valone, Thomas
Adventures Unlimited Press, 09/2002, Paperback, $16.95
The amazing inventions of Nikolas Tesla over 100 years ago--including
wireless communication, radio, fluorescent lights, and more--are explored
in this collection of ideas envisoned by the famous Serbian-American inventor
on the coming world of super-science. 56 illustrations.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Emerging Technologies and Applications,
by Sorensen, Bent
Academic Press, 02/2005, Hardcover, $64.95
The next several years will see a massive emergence of hydrogen fuel cells
as an alterative energy option in both transportation and domestic use.
The long-range expectation is that hydrogen will be used as a fuel, produced
either from renewable energy, fossil, or nuclear sources, offering an
environmentally acceptable and efficient source of power/energy.
The techniques associated with all the conversion steps and the set-up
of systems are described in detail in this book, at a level suited for
both academic and professional use. The book not only describes the "how"
and "where" aspects hydrogen fuels cells may be used, but also the obstacles
and benefits of its use, as well as the social implications (both economically
and environmental).
7 Author is a world-renowned leader in the study of renewable energy.
7 Thoroughly illustrated with cross-references for easy use and reference.
7 Written at a level suited for both academic and professional use.
Hydrogen- Hot Stuff Cool Science: Journey Into a World of Hydrogen
Energy and Fuel Cells at the Wasserstoff Farm, by Ewing, Rex A
Pixyjack Press, 10/2004, Paperback, $24.95
Logs, Wind and Sun: Handcraft Your Own Log Home...Then Power It
with Nature, by Ewing, Rex A , Ewing, Lavonne (Joint Author)
Pixyjack Press, 11/2002, Paperback,
Lost Science, by Vassilatos, Gerry
Adventures Unlimited Press, 03/2000, Paperback
Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction, by Gowers, Timothy
Oxford University Press, 11/2002, Paperback
Molecular to Global Photosynthesis, by Archer, Mary D (Editor);
Barber, James D (Editor)
Imperial College Press, 05/2004
Green plants and photosynthetic organisms are the Earth's natural photoconverters
of solar energy. In future, biomass and bioenergy will become increasingly
significant energy sources, making a contribution both to carbon dioxide
abatement and to the security, diversity and sustainability of global
energy supplies. In this book, experts provide a series of authoritative
articles on the intricate mechanisms of photosynthesis, and on the potential
for using and improving plants and trees to provide fuels, electricity
and phytoproducts for the benefit of man.
Nature as Teacher: New Principles in the Working of Nature, by
Schauberger, Viktor
Gateway, 11/1998, Paperback, $15.95
Viktor Schauberger was one of the first genuine environmentalists. In
the 1930's the innovative Austrian genius was predicting ecological catastrophe
when no-one else could see it coming. "Nature as Teacher", the second
in Gateway's Eco-Technology series, details Schauberger's thinking about
environmental catastrophe, includes revealing correspondence with contemporaries,
and gives practical solutions on how the world may yet be saved.
Nuclear Power, by Graham, Ian S
Raintree, 01/1999, Library Binding, $29.93
Discusses how nuclear power is generated and the history of its use and
examines both its potential benefits and possible hazards.
Our Future is Hydrogen!: Energy, Environment, and Economy, by Siblerud,
Robert , Veziroglu, T Nejat (Foreword by)
New Science Publications, 07/2001, Paperback, $14.95
Our Future is Hydrogen! is a book that gives our planet Earth hope by
providing a solution to global warming and dwindling fossil fuels. Both
the automobile and oil industries have realized that hydrogen will be
the energy of the future, beliefs held by many politicians and world governments.
The book describes the need for alternative energy and explains hydrogens
history, properties, safety, applications, and current status. It shows
why hydrogen is the best of alternative fuels.
Platonic & Archimedean Solids, by Sutton, Daud , Sutton, Daud (Illustrator)
Walker & Company, 04/2002, Hardcover, $10.00
Whereas "Sacred Geometry" introduced readers to two-dimensional forms,
this book presents the world of three dimensions, a concept that was understood
as early as Neolithic times. Illustrations.
Power from Wind: A History of Windmill Technology, by Hills, Richard
Cambridge University Press, 04/1996, Paperback, $43.00
This is the first general treatment of windpower in English, covering
the unpredictable nature of wind and focusing on the technical evolution
and industrial application of windpower.
Power Primer: A Nontechnical Guide from Generation to End Use,
by Chambers, Ann
Pennwell Books, 02/1999, Hardcover, $69.00
In this nontechnical guide, author Ann Chambers provides information on
how electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed. Written in
easy-to-understand language, this title is a must for industry newcomers
as well as veteran professionals who need a quick refresher on the ever-changing
electric power industry.
Practical Photovoltaics: Electricity from Solar Cells (Revised),
by Komp, Richard J , Perlin, John (Introduction by)
Aatec Publications, 02/2002, Paperback, $18.95
Pyramid Power: The Millennium Science, by Flanagan, G Patrick ,
Begich, Nick (Foreword by)
Earthpulse Press, 07/1997, Paperback, $14.95
Quantum Physics, by Gribbin, John R , Gribben, John (Author)Dorling
Kindersley Publishing (Manufactured by)
DK Publishing Inc, 11/2002, Paperback, $7.00
The Essential Science series makes the difficult and fascinating world
of cutting-edge science accessible to everyone with a stimulating mix
of lively illustrations and jargon-free text. Important scientific theories
are explained clearly in these authoritative guides that feature cross-references,
glossaries, and thorough indexes.
Quest for Zero Point Energy: Engineering Principles for Free Energy,
by King, Moray B
Adventures Unlimited Press, 11/2001, Paperback, $14.95
Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook: The Complete Guide to Renewable
Energy Technologies & Sustainable Living, by Schaeffer, John
New Society Publishers, 04/2005, Paperback, $35.00
Written by experts, this fully updated classic of sustainable living technology
is the ultimate resource on renewable energy, alternative construction,
green building, homesteading, off-the-grid living, and alternative transportation.
of maps, wiring diagrams, & charts. 1,200 illustrations & photos.
Reaping the Wind, C, by Asmus, Peter
Island Press, 11/2000, Hardcover, $30.00
Journalist Peter Asmus presents the fascinating and convoluted history
of commercial wind power in the United States. Beginning with the early
pioneers, he offers an animated narrative that profiles the colorful cast
of characters involved with the development of the American wind power
Remote Sensing for Wind Power Potential, a Prospector's Handbook,
by U S Department of Energy, unknown
Books for Business, 05/2002, Paperback, $65.00
Renewable Energy (Second), by Boyle, Godfrey
Oxford University Press, 03/2004, Paperback, $50.00
Stimulated by recent technological developments and increasing concern
over the sustainability and environmental impact of conventional fuel
usage, the prospect of producing clean, sustainable power in substantial
quantities from renewable energy sources arouses interest around the world.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principal types of
renewable energy--including solar, thermal photo-voltaics, bioenergy,
hydro, tidal, wind, wave, and geothermal.
Renewable Energy Policy, by Komor, Paul
iUniverse, 03/2004, Paperback, $17.95
Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa, by Karekezi, Stephen ,
Ranja, Timothy (Joint Author)
Zed Books, 05/1997, Paperback, $25.00
This book sums up a remarkable process of energy research and dialogue
that has been ongoing amongst African scholars and policy-makers. It presents
what is now known about the innovation and deployment of a whole variety
of renewable energy technologies across the whole of Eastern Africa, including
the Horn, and Southern Africa, including South Africa. Chapters deal with
bio-energy, solar and wind energy, and small hydro technologies, and how
these environmentally sustainable ways of producing energy are disseminated.
The authors examine the geo-political and socio-economic context of Africa's
energy sector, its financing, institutional structures for energy management,
human resource development, equity and access, and environmental considerations.
Renewable Energy: Its Physics, Engineering, Use, Environmental
Impacts, Economy and Planning Aspects, by Sorensen, Bent
Elsevier/Academic Press, 08/2004, Hardcover, $84.95
This book covers all aspects of renewable energy, from the processes on
the sun and in the atmosphere that give rise to solar radiation, wind,
waves, evaporation and the precipitation, forests and plants, over the
techniques for deriving energy for society from each of the natural energy
flows, to the economic environmental impacts of each of the natural energy
flows and the economic and environmental impacts of using renewable energy.
Along the way, auxiliary technologies for energy management and storage
are introduced, in order to show how demand can be met at all times despite
use of variable energy sources.
* The only rigorous theory and applications book available
* Provides the principles of renewable energy flows/sources and energy
conversion processes
* Details the significant expansion of the field since the publication
of the previous editions
Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity, by Johansson,
Thomas B (Editor); Williams, Robert H (Editor)Burnham, Laurie (Editor)
Island Press, 11/1992, Paperback, $65.00
Overall performance, cost, market potential, and environmental impact
are assessed for fuels and electricity derived from hydroelectric, wind,
photovoltaics, solar-thermal, geothermal, ocean and biomass energy sources.
In addition, practical and specific recommendations for promoting the
adoption of renewables on a broad scale are presented and analyzed. Includes
photographs, tables, figures, and index.
Renewing Europe's Energy: The Context and Basis for European Policy
Towards Renewable Energy..., by Grubb, Michael
Royal Institute of International Affairs, 03/1995, Paperback, $14.95
Science Bought and Sold: Essays in the Economics of Science, by
Mirowski, Philip J (Editor); Sent, Esther-Mirjam (Editor)
University of Chicago Press, 01/2002, Paperback, $33.00
Smart Power: An Urban Guide to Renewable Energy and Efficiency,
by Kemp, William H
Aztext Press, 09/2004, Paperback, $29.95
Solar Chimney, by Schlaich, Jorg
Axel Menges, 01/1998, Paperback, $20.00
Describes a viable alternative power source. Manzanares, Spain's solar
chimney has proven to be effective.
Solar Cooking, by Kofalk, Harriet , Jefferson, Warren (Illustrator)Kolfalk,
Harriet (Author)
Book Publishing Company (TN), 02/1997, Paperback, $8.95
Harness the sun's energy to cook your food. More than three dozen recipes
for everything from soup to baked goods. Includes plans for making a low-cost
solar cooker out of materials found around the house.
Sustainable Mobility: Renewable Energies for Powering Fuel Cell
Vehicles, by Edinger, Raphael , Kaul, Sanjay (Author)
Praeger Publishers, 03/2003, Hardcover, $64.95
A wide-ranging, forthright examination of why fuels from renewable resources
are an ever more attractive source of power, at a time when the environment
is suffering from pollution by fossil fuels that can only get worse.
Tapping the Zero Point Energy: Free Energy in Today's Physics,
by King, Moray B
Adventures Unlimited Press, 06/2002, Paperback, $12.95
Tesla: Man Out of Time (Touchstone), by Cheney, Margaret
Touchstone Books, 10/2001, Paperback, $15.00
Now back in paperback comes the fascinating portrait of Nikola Tesla,
one of the most brilliant scientists and inventors of the 20th century,
from the impact of his seminal accomplishments to the eccentricities and
obsessions of the man behind the science. of photos.
The Cosmic Matrix: Piece for a Jigsaw Two, Anti-Gravity, Starships
and Unlimited Clean Free Energy, by Cramp, Leonard G
Adventures Unlimited Press, 11/1998, Paperback, $16.00
An aerospace engineer and architect who has long history of analyzing
UFO phenomena, Leonard Cramp has concluded that UFOs utilize the highest
possible science in order to move the way they do. He theorizes that this
superscience -- described in detail in the book -- can lift mankind into
a new level of technology, transportation and understanding of the larger
universe. In this highly technical examination, Cramp takes a close look
at gravity control, time travel, the interlocking web of energy between
all planets in our solar system, and a host of other cutting-edge material.
Heavily illustrated, the book take readers on a fantastic voyage to a
fantastic future
The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels, by Gold, Thomas
, Dyson, Freeman (Foreword by)
Springer-Verlag Telos, 01/1999, Paper Textbook, $20.00
This book presents the idea that hydrocarbons are not a byproduct of biological
debris (fossil fuels), but are materials that the Earth formed from billions
of years ago. The author also theorizes that there may be an enormous
store of hydrocarbons deep within the Earth that can provide abundant
supplies of gasoline and petroleum.
The Easy Guide to Solar Electric: For Home Power Systems, by Pieper,
Adi , Adi, Pieper (Author)
Adi Solar, 01/2003, Paperback, $14.95
This book is a simple and entertaining introduction to solar electric.
It is also a statement for clean energy and for environmentally healthy
lifestyle. The reader will be introduced - through humor and analogies
- to the basic electrical terms and the components of a solar system.
Practical tips, including names and numbers, will give the reader some
idea about reliable products and manufacturers. This expanded second edition
is complete with index, glossary and charts.
The Energy of Nature, by Pielou, E C
University of Chicago Press, 05/2001, Hardcover, $25.00
Filled with fascinating information and illustrations hand-drawn by the
author, this volume opens readers' eyes to the myriad ways in which energy
and its transfer affect the Earth and its inhabitants. 76 line drawings.
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, by Tesla, Nikola , Childress,
David Hatcher (Joint Author)
Adventures Unlimited Press, 08/1993, Paperback, $16.95
The Forces of Matter, by Faraday, Michael
Prometheus Books, 05/1993, Paperback, $10.00
The Free-Energy Device Handbook: A Compilation of Patents & Reports,
by Childress, David Hatcher
Adventures Unlimited Press, 02/1995, Paperback, $16.95
The Hydrogen Economy: The Creation of the Worldwide Energy Web
and the Redistribution of Power on Earth, by Rifkin, Jeremy
Jeremy P. Tarcher, 10/2003, Paperback, $14.95
Rifkin's international bestseller presents the clearest, most comprehensive
case for moving away from the destructive and waning years of the oil
era toward a new kind of energy regime. Hydrogen--one of the most abundant
substances in the universe--holds the key.
The Nature and Science of Energy, by Burton, Jane , Taylor, Kim
(Joint Author)
Gareth Stevens Publishing, 01/1998, Library Binding, $24.67
Describes different kinds of energy and explores some properties of energy
and some of the different forms that it can take.
The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners, by Kemp, William
Hushion House Publishing Ltd., 03/2004, Paperback, $29.95
The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners includes practical tips such
- energy conservation (both on and off the grid)
- heating (and cooling) with renewable energy
- grid interconnection (linking your renewable energy system to the existing
- standalone systems (off-the-grid).
- step-by-step theory and practical application of batteries inverters,
photovoltaic panels and more.
We discuss how to stretch your energy dollar, doing much more with less,
without having to live a Spartan lifestyle. Step-by-step guidance and
easy to understand instructions will help you pave the way to better energy
management and renewable energy production, whether or not you cut the
electrical supply lines to your home or cottage, Most of all, the Renewable
Energy Handbook for Homeowners will show you how to do it all right now!
The Solar Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future,
by Scheer, Hermann
Earthscan Publications, 12/2003, Paperback, $27.50
The Solar Electric House: Energy for the Environmentally-Responsive,
Energy-Independent Home, by Strong, Steven J , Scheller, William G (With)
Sustainability Press, 01/1994, Paperback, $21.95
This is the definitive book on solar electric systems for home use. Strong,
who has designed more than one hundred photovoltaic (PV) systems, covers
all aspects of PVs, from the history and economics of solar power to the
nuts and bolts of systems and equipment.
The Solar House: Passive Solar Heating and Cooling, by Chiras,
Daniel D
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 10/2002, Paperback, $29.95
The Tesla Papers, by Tesla, Nikola , Childress, David Hatcher (Editor)
Adventures Unlimited Press, 09/2000, Paperback, $16.95
Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for
a Cleaner Planet, by Hoffman, Peter , Harkin, Tom (Foreword by)Harkin,
Tom (Author)
MIT Press, 09/2002, Paperback, $18.95
How hydrogen--nonpolluting and easy to produce--could become the fuel
of the future.
Understanding Renewable Energy Systems with CDROM, by Quaschning,
Earthscan Publications, 03/2005, Paperback, $39.95
* Provides technical details on different renewable energy systems plus
background information on climate change and related economics * Contains
free CD-ROM, including simulation software and figures from the book *
Ideal as a student text, including worked examples Beginning with an overview
of renewables (including biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal, tidal,
wind and solar power) this book explores the fundamentals of various renewable
energy systems. The main focus is on technologies with high development
potential such as solar thermal systems, photovoltaics and wind power.
This text not only describes technological aspects but also deals consciously
with problems of the energy industry. In this way, the topics are treated
in a holistic manner, enabling readers to gain a broad understanding of
renewable energy technology and its potential.
Who Owns the Sun?: People, Politics, and the Struggle for a Solar
Economy, by Berman, Daniel M , O'Connor, John T (With)
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 08/1997, Paperback, $17.95
In Who Owns the Sun? Daniel Berman and John O'Connor argue that democratic
control of solar energy is the key to revitalizing America -- putting
power back into the hands of local people. A decentralized solar economy
will bring thousands of new jobs to local communities that would no longer
be exporting millions of energy dollars every year to transnational corporations
and oil cartels.
In an era when the rules of the energy game are changing -- as legislatures
and public utility commissions experiment with "retail wheeling" and other
forms of deregulation -- citizens need to create new ways to govern energy
to avoid becoming sharecroppers of the sun that rightfully belongs to
Wind and Solar Power Systems, by Patel, Mukund R , Patel (Author)
CRC Press, 03/1999, Hardcover, $99.95
Renewable Power Systems explains how wind and solar energy generate electrical
power. The book covers the fundamentals of the wind and photovoltaic power
generation -- design, operation, and control methods applicable to the
stand-alone as well as grid-connected power systems -- steady state as
well as dynamic performance and operation -- methods for extracting the
maximum power at a given site -- past and present trends as well as anticipated
growth -- and energy maps of several countries, useful for assessing the
annual energy potential of any site.
Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Small and Micro Wind Systems, by
Gipe, Paul , Gipe, Paul (Preface by)Perez, Karen (Foreword by)
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 03/1999, Paperback, $19.95
Wind Energy Basics is an excellent introduction to wind power for educational
programs concerned with state-of-the-art renewable energy options, and
will be indispensable for those considering today's generation of quiet,
efficient, and reliable "micro" wind turbines.
In addition to Chelsea Green's Wind Power for Home & Business, Paul Gipe
is the author of the landmark Wind Energy Comes of Age, which was selected
by the American Library Association as one of the outstanding academic
books of 1995. In 1998, the World Renewable Energy Conference hailed him
as a "pioneer in renewable energy, " awarding Gipe one of the organization's
highest honors for his two decades of writing and lecturing about wind
energy. Gipe lives in Bakersfield, California.
Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, by Manwell,
James , Manwell, J F (Author)McGowan, J G (Author)
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 06/2002, Hardcover, $84.00
This authoritative textbook is intended to provide both a thorough and
highly accessible introduction to the cross-disciplinary field of wind
engineering. The economic viability and political appeal of wind power
is on the increase, making this text a timely addition to the literature.
Developed to complement the increasing number of renewable/wind energy
courses now available End-of-chapter tutorial sections (solutions manual
available) Combines both academic and industrial experience giving the
text a dual market appeal Comprehensive coverage spans every aspect of
wind energy engineering
Wind Energy Handbook, by Burton, Tony , Sharpe, David (Author)Jenkins,
Nick (Author)
John Wiley & Sons, 11/2001, Hardcover, $158.00
Wind Energy in America: A History, by Righter, Robert W
University of Oklahoma Press, 01/2003, Hardcover, $39.95
Wind Energy in the 21st Century: Economics, Policy, Technology
and the Changing Electricity Industry, by Redlinger, Robert Y , Morthorst,
Poul Erik (Author)Andersen, Per Dannemand (Author)
Palgrave MacMillan, 02/2002, Hardcover, $80.00
Wind energy is the great success story of modern renewable energy. Since
the industry's rebirth following the energy crisis of the 1970s, thousands
of wind energy projects have been installed around the world. The technology
today is competitive with traditional fossil-fuelled electricity generation.
"Wind Energy in the 21st Century explores the current economic, financial,
technical, environmental, competitive, and policy considerations facing
the wind energy industry. With discussions of the latest electricity industry
trends including deregulation, green markets, and tradable renewable credits,
this book is a must-read for energy policymakers, researchers, and energy
industry professionals.
Wind Power for Home & Business: Renewable Energy for the 1990s
and Beyond, by Gipe, Paul
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 05/1993, Paperback, $35.00
In 1993, Chelsea Green published Paul Gipe's landmark guide to the newest
and best techniques for harvesting wind energy with small and medium-sized
turbines. Now in its fourth printing, the book has sold more than 10,000
copies and inspired countless independent power producers to take control
of their own electrical supply.
Wind Power in View: Energy Landscapes in a Crowded World, by Pasqualetti,
Martin , Gipe, Paul (Author)Righter, Robert (Author)
Academic Press, 02/2002, Hardcover, $62.95
Wind Power: Renewable Energy for Home, Farm and Business (Revised),
by Gipe, Paul
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 04/2004, Paperback, $50.00
Wind energy today is a booming worldwide industry. The technology has
truly come of age, with better, more reliable machinery and a greater
understanding of how and where wind power makes sense -- from the independent
homestead to a grid-connected utility-wide perspective. Heightened concerns
about our environment mean that this resurgence of interest in wind --
a natural and widespread power source -- is here to stay.Wind Power is
an up-to-date version of Paul Gipe's definitive 1993 book, Wind Power
for Home and Business. In addition to expanded sections on gauging wind
resources and siting wind turbines, this edition includes new examples
and case studies of successful wind systems as well as international sources
for new and used equipment.
Windpower Workshop: Building Your Own Wind Turbine, by Piggott,
Hugh , Preston, Graham (Illustrator)Kirby, Tim (Foreword by)
Centre for Alternative Technology, 08/2001, Paperback, $15.95
Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, by Seifer, Marc J
Citadel Press, 05/1998, Paperback, $19.95
Nikola Tesla, credited by many as the inspiration for radios, robots,
and even radar, has been called the patron saint of modern electricity.
"Wizard" is the definitive biography of this founding father of modern
technology. of photos.
Books about Solar Energy
Books about Water Energy
Living Energies, by Coats, Callum
Gateway, 01/2002, Paperback, $26.95
Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy,
by Alexandersson, Olof
Newleaf, 08/2002, Paperback, $17.95
Microhydro: Clean Power from Water, by Davis, Scott
New Society Publishers, 09/2003, Paperback, $22.95
Hydroelectricity is the world's largest—and cleanest—source
of renewable -energy. But despite lively interest in renewables generally,
there is an information vacuum about the smallest version of the technology
dubbed "the simplest, most reliable and least expensive way to generate
power off grid." Highly illustrated and practical, "Microhydro "is the
first complete book on the topic in a decade. Covering both AC and DC
systems, it covers principles, design and site considerations, equipment
options, and legal, environmental, and economic factors. Scott Davis has
decades of experience operating, installing, designing, selling, and teaching
about microhydro technology. An award-winner in the field, he currently
works as a system designer and retailer with an alternative energy company
for whom he has authored an on-line microhydro course.
The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water,
by Schauberger, Viktor
Gateway, 04/1998, Paperback, $18.95
Water & Wind Power, by Watts, Martin
Shire Publications, 08/2000, Paperback, $20.00
From Roman times water power was used to grind grain, raise water, and
later to work metals, produce cloth and serve a great number of trades
and industries. This book is about these first engines: the technology,
the rationales and some of the personalities involved.
Water Power, by Graham, Ian S
Raintree, 10/1999, Library Binding, $29.93
Examines the historical uses of water as a source of energy, the advantages
and disadvantages, and new advances in harnessing water power.
Books about Wind Energy
Books about Planetary Energies
Books about Energy Politics
- Charging Ahead: The Business of Renewable Energy and What It Means
for America
- Berger, John J., University of California Press, 1998, Paperback,
Books about Free Energy/Zero Point
Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology, by
Begich, Nick , Manning, Jeane (Author)
Earthpulse Press, 07/1997, Paperback, $14.95
Biodiesel: Growing a New Energy Economy, by Pahl, Greg
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 02/2005, Paperback, $18.00
The technology of bio-based fuel is becoming increasingly popular. This
text provides background information and practical advice on how to implement
this new, easy, energy source.
Charging Ahead, by Berger, John J , Thurow, Lester C (Foreword
University of California Press, 09/1998, Paperback, $24.95
CHARGING AHEAD foretells the world's next great energy transformation--the
shift to clean, renewable energy sources. John J. Berger provides a fascinating
look at new industries that will make such change possible and the trillion-dollar
benefits Americans can enjoy by choosing pollution-free energy and transportation.
30 photos.
Chemical History of a Candle, by Faraday, Michael
Dover Publications, 01/2003, Paperback, $9.95
Coal: A Human History, by Freese, Barbara
Perseus Books Group, 01/2003, Hardcover, $25.00
Freese takes readers on a rich and fascinating journey as she tells how
a simple black rock has altered the course of history. 8-page photo insert.
Consumer Guide to Solar Energy, 3rd Edition (Updated), by Sklar,
Scott , Sheinkopf, Kenneth (Joint Author)
Bonus Books, 08/2002, Paperback, $14.95
Cool Energy - Revised Edition: Renewable Solutions to Environmental
Problems (Revised), by Brower, Michael
MIT Press, 08/1992, Paperback, $25.00
Cool Energy provides the first major review of progress in the field of
renewable energy technologies - solar, wind, biomass (plant matter), hydroelectric,
and geothermal - since the mid-1980s.
Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology,
by Valone, Thomas (Editor); Rauscher, Elizabeth A (Foreword by)Valone,
Thomas (Introduction by)
Integrity Research Institute, 12/1993, Paperback, $15.00
Energies: An Illustrated Guide to the Biosphere and Civilization,
by Smil, Vaclav
MIT Press, 02/2000, Paperback, $19.95
A lively and accessible survey of all the forms of energy that shape our
world, from the sun to the human body, from bread to microchips.
Energy and Information Transfer in Biological Systems: How Physics
Could Enrich Biological Understanding Proceedings Ofthe International
Workshop, Ita, by Musumeci, Francesco (Editor); Brizhik, Larissa (Editor)Ho,
Mae-WAN (Editor)
World Scientific Publishing Company, 06/2003, Hardcover, $106.00
This volume contains papers based on the workshop "Energy and Information
Transfer in Biological Systems: How Physics Could Enrich Biological Understanding,"
held in Italy in 2002. The meeting was a forum aimed at evaluating the
potential and outlooks of a modern physics approach to understanding and
describing biological processes, especially regarding the transition from
the microscopic chemical scenario to the macroscopic functional configurations
of living matter. In this frame some leading researchers presented and
discussed several basic topics, such as the photon interaction with biological
systems also from the viewpoint of photon information processes and of
possible applications; the influence of electromagnetic fields on the
self-organization of biosystems including the nonlinear mechanism for
energy transfer and storage; and the influence of the structure of water
on the properties of biological matter.
Energy Evolution, by Schauberger, Viktor , Coats, Callum (Editor)Coats,
Callum (Translator)
Gateway, 03/2001, Paperback, $19.95
Ether Technology: A Rational Approach to Gravity Control, by Sigma,
Adventures Unlimited Press, 08/1996, Paperback, $12.95
Fossil Fuels, by Graham, Ian S
Raintree, 01/1999, Library Binding, $29.93
Discusses the history, means of harnessing, uses, and future of fossil
From Space to Earth: The Story of Solar Electricity, by Perlin,
Harvard University Press, 11/2002, Paperback, $22.95
"From Space to Earth tracks the evolution of the technology of photovoltaics,
the use of solar cells to convert the sun's energy into electricity. John
Perlin's painstaking research results in a fascinating account of the
development of this technology, from its shaky nineteenth-century beginnings
mired in scientific controversy to its high-visibility success in the
space program, to its current position as a versatile and promising power
From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank, by Tickell, Joshua
Tickell Energy Consultants, 12/2000, Paperback, $24.95
Geothermal and Bio-Energy, by Graham, Ian S
Raintree, 01/1999, Library Binding, $29.93
Defines geothermal and bio energies, and explains their advantages and
Harnessing the Wheelwork of Nature: Tesla's Science of Energy,
by Valone, Thomas
Adventures Unlimited Press, 09/2002, Paperback, $16.95
The amazing inventions of Nikolas Tesla over 100 years ago--including
wireless communication, radio, fluorescent lights, and more--are explored
in this collection of ideas envisoned by the famous Serbian-American inventor
on the coming world of super-science. 56 illustrations.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Emerging Technologies and Applications,
by Sorensen, Bent
Academic Press, 02/2005, Hardcover, $64.95
The next several years will see a massive emergence of hydrogen fuel cells
as an alterative energy option in both transportation and domestic use.
The long-range expectation is that hydrogen will be used as a fuel, produced
either from renewable energy, fossil, or nuclear sources, offering an
environmentally acceptable and efficient source of power/energy.
The techniques associated with all the conversion steps and the set-up
of systems are described in detail in this book, at a level suited for
both academic and professional use. The book not only describes the "how"
and "where" aspects hydrogen fuels cells may be used, but also the obstacles
and benefits of its use, as well as the social implications (both economically
and environmental).
7 Author is a world-renowned leader in the study of renewable energy.
7 Thoroughly illustrated with cross-references for easy use and reference.
7 Written at a level suited for both academic and professional use.
Hydrogen- Hot Stuff Cool Science: Journey Into a World of Hydrogen
Energy and Fuel Cells at the Wasserstoff Farm, by Ewing, Rex A
Pixyjack Press, 10/2004, Paperback, $24.95
Logs, Wind and Sun: Handcraft Your Own Log Home...Then Power It
with Nature, by Ewing, Rex A , Ewing, Lavonne (Joint Author)
Pixyjack Press, 11/2002, Paperback, $28.95
Lost Science, by Vassilatos, Gerry
Adventures Unlimited Press, 03/2000, Paperback, $16.95
Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction, by Gowers, Timothy
Oxford University Press, 11/2002, Paperback, $9.95
Molecular to Global Photosynthesis, by Archer, Mary D (Editor);
Barber, James D (Editor)
Imperial College Press, 05/2004, Hardcover, $158.00
Green plants and photosynthetic organisms are the Earth's natural photoconverters
of solar energy. In future, biomass and bioenergy will become increasingly
significant energy sources, making a contribution both to carbon dioxide
abatement and to the security, diversity and sustainability of global
energy supplies. In this book, experts provide a series of authoritative
articles on the intricate mechanisms of photosynthesis, and on the potential
for using and improving plants and trees to provide fuels, electricity
and phytoproducts for the benefit of man.
Nature as Teacher: New Principles in the Working of Nature, by
Schauberger, Viktor
Gateway, 11/1998, Paperback, $15.95
Viktor Schauberger was one of the first genuine environmentalists. In
the 1930's the innovative Austrian genius was predicting ecological catastrophe
when no-one else could see it coming. "Nature as Teacher", the second
in Gateway's Eco-Technology series, details Schauberger's thinking about
environmental catastrophe, includes revealing correspondence with contemporaries,
and gives practical solutions on how the world may yet be saved.
Nuclear Power, by Graham, Ian S
Raintree, 01/1999, Library Binding, $29.93
Discusses how nuclear power is generated and the history of its use and
examines both its potential benefits and possible hazards.
Our Future is Hydrogen!: Energy, Environment, and Economy, by Siblerud,
Robert , Veziroglu, T Nejat (Foreword by)
New Science Publications, 07/2001, Paperback, $14.95
Our Future is Hydrogen! is a book that gives our planet Earth hope by
providing a solution to global warming and dwindling fossil fuels. Both
the automobile and oil industries have realized that hydrogen will be
the energy of the future, beliefs held by many politicians and world governments.
The book describes the need for alternative energy and explains hydrogens
history, properties, safety, applications, and current status. It shows
why hydrogen is the best of alternative fuels.
Platonic & Archimedean Solids, by Sutton, Daud , Sutton, Daud (Illustrator)
Walker & Company, 04/2002, Hardcover, $10.00
Whereas "Sacred Geometry" introduced readers to two-dimensional forms,
this book presents the world of three dimensions, a concept that was understood
as early as Neolithic times. Illustrations.
Power from Wind: A History of Windmill Technology, by Hills, Richard
Cambridge University Press, 04/1996, Paperback, $43.00
This is the first general treatment of windpower in English, covering
the unpredictable nature of wind and focusing on the technical evolution
and industrial application of windpower.
Power Primer: A Nontechnical Guide from Generation to End Use,
by Chambers, Ann
Pennwell Books, 02/1999, Hardcover, $69.00
In this nontechnical guide, author Ann Chambers provides information on
how electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed. Written in
easy-to-understand language, this title is a must for industry newcomers
as well as veteran professionals who need a quick refresher on the ever-changing
electric power industry.
Practical Photovoltaics: Electricity from Solar Cells (Revised),
by Komp, Richard J , Perlin, John (Introduction by)
Aatec Publications, 02/2002, Paperback, $18.95
Pyramid Power: The Millennium Science, by Flanagan, G Patrick ,
Begich, Nick (Foreword by)
Earthpulse Press, 07/1997, Paperback, $14.95
Quantum Physics, by Gribbin, John R , Gribben, John (Author)Dorling
Kindersley Publishing (Manufactured by)
DK Publishing Inc, 11/2002, Paperback, $7.00
The Essential Science series makes the difficult and fascinating world
of cutting-edge science accessible to everyone with a stimulating mix
of lively illustrations and jargon-free text. Important scientific theories
are explained clearly in these authoritative guides that feature cross-references,
glossaries, and thorough indexes.
Quest for Zero Point Energy: Engineering Principles for Free Energy,
by King, Moray B
Adventures Unlimited Press, 11/2001, Paperback, $14.95
Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook: The Complete Guide to Renewable
Energy Technologies & Sustainable Living, by Schaeffer, John
New Society Publishers, 04/2005, Paperback, $35.00
Written by experts, this fully updated classic of sustainable living technology
is the ultimate resource on renewable energy, alternative construction,
green building, homesteading, off-the-grid living, and alternative transportation.
of maps, wiring diagrams, & charts. 1,200 illustrations & photos.
Reaping the Wind, C, by Asmus, Peter
Island Press, 11/2000, Hardcover, $30.00
Journalist Peter Asmus presents the fascinating and convoluted history
of commercial wind power in the United States. Beginning with the early
pioneers, he offers an animated narrative that profiles the colorful cast
of characters involved with the development of the American wind power
Remote Sensing for Wind Power Potential, a Prospector's Handbook,
by U S Department of Energy, unknown
Books for Business, 05/2002, Paperback, $65.00
Renewable Energy (Second), by Boyle, Godfrey
Oxford University Press, 03/2004, Paperback, $50.00
Stimulated by recent technological developments and increasing concern
over the sustainability and environmental impact of conventional fuel
usage, the prospect of producing clean, sustainable power in substantial
quantities from renewable energy sources arouses interest around the world.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the principal types of
renewable energy--including solar, thermal photo-voltaics, bioenergy,
hydro, tidal, wind, wave, and geothermal.
Renewable Energy Policy, by Komor, Paul
iUniverse, 03/2004, Paperback, $17.95
Renewable Energy Technologies in Africa, by Karekezi, Stephen ,
Ranja, Timothy (Joint Author)
Zed Books, 05/1997, Paperback, $25.00
This book sums up a remarkable process of energy research and dialogue
that has been ongoing amongst African scholars and policy-makers. It presents
what is now known about the innovation and deployment of a whole variety
of renewable energy technologies across the whole of Eastern Africa, including
the Horn, and Southern Africa, including South Africa. Chapters deal with
bio-energy, solar and wind energy, and small hydro technologies, and how
these environmentally sustainable ways of producing energy are disseminated.
The authors examine the geo-political and socio-economic context of Africa's
energy sector, its financing, institutional structures for energy management,
human resource development, equity and access, and environmental considerations.
Renewable Energy: Its Physics, Engineering, Use, Environmental
Impacts, Economy and Planning Aspects, by Sorensen, Bent
Elsevier/Academic Press, 08/2004, Hardcover, $84.95
This book covers all aspects of renewable energy, from the processes on
the sun and in the atmosphere that give rise to solar radiation, wind,
waves, evaporation and the precipitation, forests and plants, over the
techniques for deriving energy for society from each of the natural energy
flows, to the economic environmental impacts of each of the natural energy
flows and the economic and environmental impacts of using renewable energy.
Along the way, auxiliary technologies for energy management and storage
are introduced, in order to show how demand can be met at all times despite
use of variable energy sources.
* The only rigorous theory and applications book available
* Provides the principles of renewable energy flows/sources and energy
conversion processes
* Details the significant expansion of the field since the publication
of the previous editions
Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity, by Johansson,
Thomas B (Editor); Williams, Robert H (Editor)Burnham, Laurie (Editor)
Island Press, 11/1992, Paperback, $65.00
Overall performance, cost, market potential, and environmental impact
are assessed for fuels and electricity derived from hydroelectric, wind,
photovoltaics, solar-thermal, geothermal, ocean and biomass energy sources.
In addition, practical and specific recommendations for promoting the
adoption of renewables on a broad scale are presented and analyzed. Includes
photographs, tables, figures, and index.
Renewing Europe's Energy: The Context and Basis for European Policy
Towards Renewable Energy..., by Grubb, Michael
Royal Institute of International Affairs, 03/1995, Paperback, $14.95
Science Bought and Sold: Essays in the Economics of Science, by
Mirowski, Philip J (Editor); Sent, Esther-Mirjam (Editor)
University of Chicago Press, 01/2002, Paperback, $33.00
Smart Power: An Urban Guide to Renewable Energy and Efficiency,
by Kemp, William H
Aztext Press, 09/2004, Paperback, $29.95
Solar Chimney, by Schlaich, Jorg
Axel Menges, 01/1998, Paperback, $20.00
Describes a viable alternative power source. Manzanares, Spain's solar
chimney has proven to be effective.
Solar Cooking, by Kofalk, Harriet , Jefferson, Warren (Illustrator)Kolfalk,
Harriet (Author)
Book Publishing Company (TN), 02/1997, Paperback, $8.95
Harness the sun's energy to cook your food. More than three dozen recipes
for everything from soup to baked goods. Includes plans for making a low-cost
solar cooker out of materials found around the house.
Sustainable Mobility: Renewable Energies for Powering Fuel Cell
Vehicles, by Edinger, Raphael , Kaul, Sanjay (Author)
Praeger Publishers, 03/2003, Hardcover, $64.95
A wide-ranging, forthright examination of why fuels from renewable resources
are an ever more attractive source of power, at a time when the environment
is suffering from pollution by fossil fuels that can only get worse.
Tapping the Zero Point Energy: Free Energy in Today's Physics,
by King, Moray B
Adventures Unlimited Press, 06/2002, Paperback, $12.95
Tesla: Man Out of Time (Touchstone), by Cheney, Margaret
Touchstone Books, 10/2001, Paperback, $15.00
Now back in paperback comes the fascinating portrait of Nikola Tesla,
one of the most brilliant scientists and inventors of the 20th century,
from the impact of his seminal accomplishments to the eccentricities and
obsessions of the man behind the science. of photos.
The Cosmic Matrix: Piece for a Jigsaw Two, Anti-Gravity, Starships
and Unlimited Clean Free Energy, by Cramp, Leonard G
Adventures Unlimited Press, 11/1998, Paperback, $16.00
An aerospace engineer and architect who has long history of analyzing
UFO phenomena, Leonard Cramp has concluded that UFOs utilize the highest
possible science in order to move the way they do. He theorizes that this
superscience -- described in detail in the book -- can lift mankind into
a new level of technology, transportation and understanding of the larger
universe. In this highly technical examination, Cramp takes a close look
at gravity control, time travel, the interlocking web of energy between
all planets in our solar system, and a host of other cutting-edge material.
Heavily illustrated, the book take readers on a fantastic voyage to a
fantastic future
The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels, by Gold, Thomas
, Dyson, Freeman (Foreword by)
Springer-Verlag Telos, 01/1999, Paper Textbook, $20.00
This book presents the idea that hydrocarbons are not a byproduct of biological
debris (fossil fuels), but are materials that the Earth formed from billions
of years ago. The author also theorizes that there may be an enormous
store of hydrocarbons deep within the Earth that can provide abundant
supplies of gasoline and petroleum.
The Easy Guide to Solar Electric: For Home Power Systems, by Pieper,
Adi , Adi, Pieper (Author)
Adi Solar, 01/2003, Paperback, $14.95
This book is a simple and entertaining introduction to solar electric.
It is also a statement for clean energy and for environmentally healthy
lifestyle. The reader will be introduced - through humor and analogies
- to the basic electrical terms and the components of a solar system.
Practical tips, including names and numbers, will give the reader some
idea about reliable products and manufacturers. This expanded second edition
is complete with index, glossary and charts.
The Energy of Nature, by Pielou, E C
University of Chicago Press, 05/2001, Hardcover, $25.00
Filled with fascinating information and illustrations hand-drawn by the
author, this volume opens readers' eyes to the myriad ways in which energy
and its transfer affect the Earth and its inhabitants. 76 line drawings.
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, by Tesla, Nikola , Childress,
David Hatcher (Joint Author)
Adventures Unlimited Press, 08/1993, Paperback, $16.95
The Forces of Matter, by Faraday, Michael
Prometheus Books, 05/1993, Paperback, $10.00
The Free-Energy Device Handbook: A Compilation of Patents & Reports,
by Childress, David Hatcher
Adventures Unlimited Press, 02/1995, Paperback, $16.95
The Hydrogen Economy: The Creation of the Worldwide Energy Web
and the Redistribution of Power on Earth, by Rifkin, Jeremy
Jeremy P. Tarcher, 10/2003, Paperback, $14.95
Rifkin's international bestseller presents the clearest, most comprehensive
case for moving away from the destructive and waning years of the oil
era toward a new kind of energy regime. Hydrogen--one of the most abundant
substances in the universe--holds the key.
The Nature and Science of Energy, by Burton, Jane , Taylor, Kim
(Joint Author)
Gareth Stevens Publishing, 01/1998, Library Binding, $24.67
Describes different kinds of energy and explores some properties of energy
and some of the different forms that it can take.
The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners, by Kemp, William
Hushion House Publishing Ltd., 03/2004, Paperback, $29.95
The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners includes practical tips such
- energy conservation (both on and off the grid)
- heating (and cooling) with renewable energy
- grid interconnection (linking your renewable energy system to the existing
- standalone systems (off-the-grid).
- step-by-step theory and practical application of batteries inverters,
photovoltaic panels and more.
We discuss how to stretch your energy dollar, doing much more with less,
without having to live a Spartan lifestyle. Step-by-step guidance and
easy to understand instructions will help you pave the way to better energy
management and renewable energy production, whether or not you cut the
electrical supply lines to your home or cottage, Most of all, the Renewable
Energy Handbook for Homeowners will show you how to do it all right now!
The Solar Economy: Renewable Energy for a Sustainable Global Future,
by Scheer, Hermann
Earthscan Publications, 12/2003, Paperback, $27.50
The Solar Electric House: Energy for the Environmentally-Responsive,
Energy-Independent Home, by Strong, Steven J , Scheller, William G (With)
Sustainability Press, 01/1994, Paperback, $21.95
This is the definitive book on solar electric systems for home use. Strong,
who has designed more than one hundred photovoltaic (PV) systems, covers
all aspects of PVs, from the history and economics of solar power to the
nuts and bolts of systems and equipment.
The Solar House: Passive Solar Heating and Cooling, by Chiras,
Daniel D
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 10/2002, Paperback, $29.95
The Tesla Papers, by Tesla, Nikola , Childress, David Hatcher (Editor)
Adventures Unlimited Press, 09/2000, Paperback, $16.95
Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for
a Cleaner Planet, by Hoffman, Peter , Harkin, Tom (Foreword by)Harkin,
Tom (Author)
MIT Press, 09/2002, Paperback, $18.95
How hydrogen--nonpolluting and easy to produce--could become the fuel
of the future.
Understanding Renewable Energy Systems with CDROM, by Quaschning,
Earthscan Publications, 03/2005, Paperback, $39.95
* Provides technical details on different renewable energy systems plus
background information on climate change and related economics * Contains
free CD-ROM, including simulation software and figures from the book *
Ideal as a student text, including worked examples Beginning with an overview
of renewables (including biomass, hydroelectricity, geothermal, tidal,
wind and solar power) this book explores the fundamentals of various renewable
energy systems. The main focus is on technologies with high development
potential such as solar thermal systems, photovoltaics and wind power.
This text not only describes technological aspects but also deals consciously
with problems of the energy industry. In this way, the topics are treated
in a holistic manner, enabling readers to gain a broad understanding of
renewable energy technology and its potential.
Who Owns the Sun?: People, Politics, and the Struggle for a Solar
Economy, by Berman, Daniel M , O'Connor, John T (With)
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 08/1997, Paperback, $17.95
In Who Owns the Sun? Daniel Berman and John O'Connor argue that democratic
control of solar energy is the key to revitalizing America -- putting
power back into the hands of local people. A decentralized solar economy
will bring thousands of new jobs to local communities that would no longer
be exporting millions of energy dollars every year to transnational corporations
and oil cartels.
In an era when the rules of the energy game are changing -- as legislatures
and public utility commissions experiment with "retail wheeling" and other
forms of deregulation -- citizens need to create new ways to govern energy
to avoid becoming sharecroppers of the sun that rightfully belongs to
Wind and Solar Power Systems, by Patel, Mukund R , Patel (Author)
CRC Press, 03/1999, Hardcover, $99.95
Renewable Power Systems explains how wind and solar energy generate electrical
power. The book covers the fundamentals of the wind and photovoltaic power
generation -- design, operation, and control methods applicable to the
stand-alone as well as grid-connected power systems -- steady state as
well as dynamic performance and operation -- methods for extracting the
maximum power at a given site -- past and present trends as well as anticipated
growth -- and energy maps of several countries, useful for assessing the
annual energy potential of any site.
Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Small and Micro Wind Systems, by
Gipe, Paul , Gipe, Paul (Preface by)Perez, Karen (Foreword by)
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 03/1999, Paperback, $19.95
Wind Energy Basics is an excellent introduction to wind power for educational
programs concerned with state-of-the-art renewable energy options, and
will be indispensable for those considering today's generation of quiet,
efficient, and reliable "micro" wind turbines.
In addition to Chelsea Green's Wind Power for Home & Business, Paul Gipe
is the author of the landmark Wind Energy Comes of Age, which was selected
by the American Library Association as one of the outstanding academic
books of 1995. In 1998, the World Renewable Energy Conference hailed him
as a "pioneer in renewable energy, " awarding Gipe one of the organization's
highest honors for his two decades of writing and lecturing about wind
energy. Gipe lives in Bakersfield, California.
Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application, by Manwell,
James , Manwell, J F (Author)McGowan, J G (Author)
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 06/2002, Hardcover, $84.00
This authoritative textbook is intended to provide both a thorough and
highly accessible introduction to the cross-disciplinary field of wind
engineering. The economic viability and political appeal of wind power
is on the increase, making this text a timely addition to the literature.
Developed to complement the increasing number of renewable/wind energy
courses now available End-of-chapter tutorial sections (solutions manual
available) Combines both academic and industrial experience giving the
text a dual market appeal Comprehensive coverage spans every aspect of
wind energy engineering
Wind Energy Handbook, by Burton, Tony , Sharpe, David (Author)Jenkins,
Nick (Author)
John Wiley & Sons, 11/2001, Hardcover, $158.00
Wind Energy in America: A History, by Righter, Robert W
University of Oklahoma Press, 01/2003, Hardcover, $39.95
Wind Energy in the 21st Century: Economics, Policy, Technology
and the Changing Electricity Industry, by Redlinger, Robert Y , Morthorst,
Poul Erik (Author)Andersen, Per Dannemand (Author)
Palgrave MacMillan, 02/2002, Hardcover, $80.00
Wind energy is the great success story of modern renewable energy. Since
the industry's rebirth following the energy crisis of the 1970s, thousands
of wind energy projects have been installed around the world. The technology
today is competitive with traditional fossil-fuelled electricity generation.
"Wind Energy in the 21st Century explores the current economic, financial,
technical, environmental, competitive, and policy considerations facing
the wind energy industry. With discussions of the latest electricity industry
trends including deregulation, green markets, and tradable renewable credits,
this book is a must-read for energy policymakers, researchers, and energy
industry professionals.
Wind Power for Home & Business: Renewable Energy for the 1990s
and Beyond, by Gipe, Paul
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 05/1993, Paperback, $35.00
In 1993, Chelsea Green published Paul Gipe's landmark guide to the newest
and best techniques for harvesting wind energy with small and medium-sized
turbines. Now in its fourth printing, the book has sold more than 10,000
copies and inspired countless independent power producers to take control
of their own electrical supply.
Wind Power in View: Energy Landscapes in a Crowded World, by Pasqualetti,
Martin , Gipe, Paul (Author)Righter, Robert (Author)
Academic Press, 02/2002, Hardcover, $62.95
Wind Power: Renewable Energy for Home, Farm and Business (Revised),
by Gipe, Paul
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 04/2004, Paperback, $50.00
Wind energy today is a booming worldwide industry. The technology has
truly come of age, with better, more reliable machinery and a greater
understanding of how and where wind power makes sense -- from the independent
homestead to a grid-connected utility-wide perspective. Heightened concerns
about our environment mean that this resurgence of interest in wind --
a natural and widespread power source -- is here to stay.Wind Power is
an up-to-date version of Paul Gipe's definitive 1993 book, Wind Power
for Home and Business. In addition to expanded sections on gauging wind
resources and siting wind turbines, this edition includes new examples
and case studies of successful wind systems as well as international sources
for new and used equipment.
Windpower Workshop: Building Your Own Wind Turbine, by Piggott,
Hugh , Preston, Graham (Illustrator)Kirby, Tim (Foreword by)
Centre for Alternative Technology, 08/2001, Paperback, $15.95
Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, by Seifer, Marc J
Citadel Press, 05/1998, Paperback, $19.95
Nikola Tesla, credited by many as the inspiration for radios, robots,
and even radar, has been called the patron saint of modern electricity.
"Wizard" is the definitive biography of this founding father of modern
technology. of photos.