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The Practice of the Wild
The nine essays in The Practice of the Wild display the deep
understanding and wide erudition of Gary Snyder in the ways of wildness
and the world.
These essays, first published in 1990, stand as the mature centerpiece
of Snyder's work and thought. Future readers will come to see this book
as one of the central texts on wilderness and the interaction of nature
and culture.
Praise for The Practice of the Wild
"Contemplating Gary Snyder's depth of journey into nature here, I think
of what D. H. Lawrence said of Whitman: he's camped out alone, way beyond
everybody. But it's looking like where Snyder is, would be a wise bet
for all of us. He makes a good trail in this book, laid out expertly
and fun to walk on." --Thomas J. Lyon
"Gary Snyder's The Practice of the Wild is an exquisite, far-sighted
articulation of what freedom, wildness, goodness, and grace mean, using
the lessons of the planet to teach us how to live." --Gretel Ehrlich
Quotes from The Practice of the Wild
"It would appear that the common conception of evolution is that of
competing species running a sort of race through time on planet earth,
all on the same running field, some dropping out, some flagging, some
victoriously in front. If the background and foreground are reversed,
and we look at it from the side of the 'conditions' and their creative
possibilities, we can see these multitudes of interactions through hundreds
of other eyes. We could say a food brings a form into existence. Huckleberries
and salmon call for bears, the clouds of plankton of the North Pacific
call for salmon, and salmon call for seals and thus orcas. The Sperm
Whale is sucked into existence by the pulsing, fluctuating pastures of
squid, and the open niches of the Galapagos Islands sucked a diversity
of bird forms and function out of one line of finch.
"Conservation biologists speak of 'indicator species'-- animals or birds
that are so typical of a natural area and its system that their condition
is an indicator of the condition of the whole. The old conifer forests
can be measured by 'Spotted Owl,' and the Great Plains once said (and
would say it again) 'bison'. So the question I have been asking myself
is: what says 'humans'? What sucks our lineage into form? It is surely
the 'mountains and rivers without end'-- the whole of this earth on which
we find ourselves more or less competently at home. Berries, acorns,
grass-seeds, apples, and yams call for dextrous creatures something like
us to come forward."
. . .
"The immediate time frame of human experience is the climates and ecologies
of the Holocene--the 'present moment,' the ten or eleven thousand years
since the latest ice age. Within the traditional literatures there are
probably a few complete tales that are that old, as well as a huge quantity
of later literature composed of elements borrowed from the oldest tradition.
For most of this time, human populations were relatively small and travel
took place on foot, by horse, or by sail. Whether Greece, Germania, or
Han China, there were always nearby areas of forest, and wild animals,
migratory waterfowl, seas full of fish and whales, and these were part
of the experience of every active person. Animals as characters in literature
and as universal presences in the imagination and in the archetypes of
religion are there because they were there. Ideas and images of wastelands,
tempests, wildernesses, and mountains are born not of abstraction but
of experience: cisalpine, hyperboreal, circumpolar, transpacific, or
beyond the pale. This is the world people lived in up until the late
nineteenth century. (When was worldwide population one-half of what it
is today? The 1950s.)"
. . .
"The 'Mountain and Waters Sutra' is called a sutra not to assert that
the 'mountains and rivers of this moment' are a text, a system of symbols,
a referential world of mirrors, but that this world in its actual existence
is a complete presentation, and enactment--and that it stands for nothing.
. . . The 'Mountains and Waters Sutra' goes on to say: 'All waters appear
at the foot of the eastern mountains. Above all waters are all mountains.
Walking beyond and walking within are both done on water. All mountains
walk with their toes on all waters and splash there.' "
Table of Contents of The Practice of the Wild
The Etiquette of Freedom
The Place, The Region, and the Commons
Tawny Grammar
Good, Wild, Sacred
Blue Mountains Constantly Walking
Ancient Forests of the Far West
On the Path, Off the Trail
The Woman Who Married a Bear
Survival and Sacrament