Animal Liberation
Since its original publication in 1975, Animal Liberation has
inspired a worldwide movement to give increased rights to animals. In
this revised and expanded edition, Singer includes new information about
today's factory farms and product-testing procedures. An important and
persuasive appeal to conscience, fairness, decency and justice.
Praise for Animal Liberation
"This book is a must . . . for every civilized reader."-- Cleveland
"Singer's documentation is unrhetorical and unemotional, his arguments
tight and formidable, for he bases his case on neither personal nor religious
nor highly abstract philosophical principles, but on moral positions
most of us already accept."—The New York Times Book Review
“Animal Liberation is the book that changed my life and
the book that made me found PETA.” —Ingrid Newkirk, president
“Animal Liberation is the most important book in the
history of the animal protection movement.” —Wayne Pacelle,
president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States
“Forty years ago, Peter Singer sparked a revolution with his seminal
publication, Animal Liberation. Nearly half a century later,
the world’s eyes have been opened and the fight for animal rights
has never been stronger.” —Nathan Runkle, founder and executive
director of Mercy for Animals
“Few books can honestly be said to have launched a major social
movement. Animal Liberation is one. Peter Singer’s work
has changed millions and millions of lives, including mine. Much more
importantly, though, Professor Singer’s book helped define and
build the movement that is fundamentally shifting the way humans relate
to our fellow animals and that will eventually end the barbaric treatment
of billions of sentient individuals.” —Matt Ball, author
of The Accidental Activist and senior adviser for VegFund
“A most important book that will change the way many of us look
at animals and, ultimately, at ourselves.” —Chicago Tribune
“Peter Singer may be the most controversial philosopher alive;
he is certainly among the most influential.” —The New
Quotes from Animal Liberation
"This book is about the tyranny of human over nonhuman animals. This
tyranny has caused and today is still causing an amount of pain and suffering
that can only be compared with that which resulted from the centuries
of tyranny by white humans over black humans. The struggle against this
tyranny is a struggle as important as any of the moral and social issues
that have been fought in recent years."
"This book is an attempt to think through, carefully and consistently,
the question of how we ought to treat nonhuman animals. In the process
it exposes the prejudices that lie behind our present attitudes and behavior."
"This book is not about pets. It is not likely to be comfortable reading
for those who think that love for animals involves no more than stroking
a cat or feeding the birds in the garden. It is intended rather for people
who are concerned about ending oppression and exploitation wherever they
occur, and in seeing that the basic moral principle of equal consideration
of interests is not arbitrarily restricted to members of our own species.
The assumption that in order to be interested in such matters one must
be an 'animal lover' is itself an indication of the absence of the slightest
inkling that the moral standards that we apply among human beings might
extend to other animals."
"Noting that if we were all vegetarians there would be far fewer pigs,
cattle, chickens and sheep, a few meat-eaters have claimed that they
are actually doing the animals they eat a favor, since but for their
desire to eat meat, those animals would never have come into existence
at all!
"In the first edition of this book, I rejected this view on the grounds
that it requires us to think that bringing a being into existence confers
a benefit on that being--and to hold this, we must believe that it is
possible to benefit a nonexistent being. This I thought, was nonsense.
But now I am not so sure. (My unequivocal rejection of this view is,
in fact, the only philosophical point made in the earlier edition on
which I have changed my mind.) After all, most of us would agree that
it would be wrong to bring a child into the world if we knew, before
the child was conceived that it would have a genetic defect that would
make its life brief and miserable. To conceive such a child is to cause
it harm. So can we really deny that to bring into the world a being who
will have a pleasant life is to confer on that being a benefit? To deny
this, we would need to explain why the two cases are different and I
cannot find a satisfactory way of doing that.
"The argument we are now considering raises the issue of the wrongness
of killing--an issue which, because it is so much more complicated than
the wrongness of inflicting suffering, I have kept in the background
up to this point. . . . But in the absence of some form of mental continuity
it is not easy to explain why the loss to the animal killed is not, from
an impartial point of view, made good by the creation of a new animal
who will lead an equally pleasant life."
"On a purely practical level, one can say this: killing animals for
food (except when necessary for sheer survival) makes us think of them
as objects we can use casually for our own nonessential purposes. . .
This argument against killing for food relies on a prediction about the
consequences of holding an attitude. . . . If this prediction is not
persuasive, though, the argument we are considering still remains very
limited in its application. It certainly does not justify eating meat
from factory-produced animals, for they suffer lives of boredom and deprivation,
unable to satisfy their basic needs to turn around, groom, stretch, exercise,
or take part in the social interactions normal for their species. To
bring them into existence for a life of that kind is no benefit to them,
but rather a great harm. At the most, the argument from the benefit of
bringing a being into existence could justify continuing to eat free-range
animals (of a species incapable of having desires for the future), who
have a pleasant existence is a social group suited to their behavioral
needs, and are then killed quickly and without pain."
Table of Contents of Animal Liberation
- All Animals Are Equal
- Tools for Research
- Down on the Factory Farm
- Becoming a Vegetarian
- Man's Dominion
- Speciesism Today